Information about CJS CD Keys

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We offer genuine, sealed, and brand new PC games at rock bottom prices. Images of the activation codes are uploaded to our online instant delivery system direct from our headquarters in the UK. This means you get INSTANT delivery of your games! Our prices are always below retail price, and of course, as the activation code is sent to you digitally, there are no expensive shipping costs to pay! We always strive to get our prices as low as possible, and we can always beat your quote! If you found a game store selling one of our games cheaper than us, send an email with proof and we'll beat the price!

Services provided by CJS CD Keys

CJS CD Keys is considered as a cd key store which you can identify with this icon CD Key Store. A CD Key store will provide you your purchase as a cd key in text or image format via e-mail.

Payment methods
American Express Skrill MasterCard Visa Discover Network

Comments on CJS CD Keys

If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
Feb 28, 2025, 09:30
Do not buy from them, they are a scam. according to them I have already activated the product that I have never received.
Apr 28, 2021, 16:35 on
Passer votre chemin , j'ai acheté plusieurs Dlc pour le jeu Motorsport manager mais dans le lot il y en avait une qui était déjà utilisé. J'ai fait une requête pour parler de mon problème mais d'après eux j'ai déjà activé le produit alors que dans ma liste de produits activés sur steam elle n'y est pas. En plus de ça le temps de réponse est extrêmement long, problème le 31 mars et dernier mail le 28 avril...
I bought several dlc for the game Motorsport manager but in the package there was one that was already used. I made a request to talk about my problem but according to them I have already activated the product while in my list of activated products on steam it is not there. On top of that the response time is extremely long, problem on March 31st and last mail on April 28th...
guy follin
Mar 10, 2020, 15:16 on
bonjour c'est ce que blizzard a écrit. Aeshandaria Salutations Guy! Voici le jeu Aeshandaria de Master of Blizzard! :) Je voudrais revenir sur vous concernant l'erreur BLZBNTBGS00000033. Cela signifie que vous n'avez pas le jeu dans votre compte Blizzard. En vérifiant ce compte, je peux confirmer qu'il n'y a en effet aucun Call of Duty: Modern Warfare dessus. La facture que vous avez ajoutée ne vient pas de nous, mais si je suis honnête, je peux déjà vous dire que ce site est assez louche. Il
hello is what blizzard wrote. Aeshandaria Greetings Guy! This is the Aeshandaria game from Master of Blizzard! :) I'd like to get back to you about the error BLZBNTBGS000033. This means you don't have the game in your Blizzard account. By checking this account, I can confirm that there is indeed no Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on it. The bill you added does not come from us, but if I'm honest, I can already tell you that this site is pretty shady. It
Mar 10, 2020, 15:14 on
bonjour j'ai acheté un jeux pc call of duty modern warfare 2020 sur le 18 fevrier 2020 qui ne fonctionne pas. sans arrèt je n'arrète pas d'envoyer des messages et rien . la preuve vient de blizzard qui me dit: bonjour c'est ce que blizzard a écrit. Aeshandaria Salutations Guy! Voici le jeu Aeshandaria de Master of Blizzard! :) Je voudrais revenir sur vous concernant l'erreur BLZBNTBGS00000033. Cela signifie que vous n'avez pas le jeu dans votre compte Blizzard. En vérifiant ce
hello i bought a pc game call of duty modern warfare 2020 on on february 18, 2020 that doesn't work. i keep sending messages and nothing. the proof comes from blizzard who says: hello that's what blizzard wrote. Aeshandaria Greetings Guy! This is the Aeshandaria game from Master of Blizzard! :) I would like to come back to you regarding the error BLZBNTBGS000033. This means that you don't have the game in your Blizzard account. By checking this
Victor Samuel
Oct 5, 2019, 20:42 on
es mi primera compra
this is my first purchase
Marco Antonio
Dec 28, 2018, 04:24 on
toto bien
toto bien
raul nen
Oct 12, 2018, 23:49 on
todo bien y rapido
all nice and easy
Apr 1, 2018, 11:31 on
tres mauvais site jai payer et je nai jamais reucu ma commande! par contre ont ma prelever ct poir 60 jour dabbo ff14
very bad site I paid and I never received my order! on the other hand, I had to take my money. ct pear 60 day dabbo ff14
Aug 1, 2017, 12:51 on
Gros problème avec ce site, pensant acheter une clé steam pour elite dangerous je me retrouve avec un code à utiliser sur pour afin obtenir la clé steam, mais impossible de l'obtenir, le site m'a répondu qu'ne seule fois me laissant avec mon problème, m'a répondu que le code était une clé steam, mais ça n'a pas marché, j'ai signalé le problème à paypal, voila pour ma seule unique expérience sur ce site.
Big problem with this site, thinking to buy a steam key for dangerous elite I find myself with a code to use on to get the steam key, but impossible to get it, the site answered me only once leaving me with my problem, answered me that the code was a steam key, but it didn't work, I reported the problem to paypal, that's for my only experience on this site.
May 7, 2017, 18:33 on
arnaque jai payer et jamais je nest pu jouer
scam I paid and I never got to play
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