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Information about Fnac

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Fnac, Fédération Nationale d'achats (originally called "Fédération Nationale d'Achats des Cadres" and then renamed when it was opened to the general public1 ) is a chain of shops specialising in the distribution of cultural (music, literature, cinema, video games) and electronic (hi-fi, computers, television) products to the general public.

Services provided by Fnac

Fnac offers quality services such as :

  • Satisfied or your money back,
  • Express delivery +
  • In-store pick-up
  • Telephone assistance and in-store service
  • Advice and expertise

Fnac is an official store which you can identify with this icon Official Store. You'll receive your cd keys as text or image by e-mail, or by mail for your retail boxes or hardware.

Payment methods
American Express Paypal Carte Bleue Maestro MasterCard Visa

User rating

Average : 4/5 (27 votes)

Comments on Fnac

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If you encountered an issue with your order, please get in touch with us using the contact form
Georges F.
Feb 22, 2019, 21:16 on
Achat effectué à l'instant. Paiement par CB et obtension du lien de téléchargement, 5min après. L'achat ne vous fourni pas de clé CD mais un lien qui active la licence sur votre compte Uplay. Et pour confirmer, je l'ai bien payé 15€. Merci à la FNAC et à DLCompare.
Purchase made just now. Payment by credit card and obtaining the download link, 5min after. The purchase does not provide you with a CD key but a link that activates the license on your Uplay account. And to confirm, I paid 15€. Thanks to FNAC and DLCompare.
Apr 26, 2015, 09:35 on
ce n'est pas le bon prix, 55€
this is not the right price, 55€.
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