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WoW Shadowlands, Blizzard lets you vote for your favorite mount

WoW Shadowlands, Blizzard lets you vote for your favorite mount

Eagerly awaited by players for some time now, Shadowlands, the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, is being revealed little by little, and we are regularly getting new information about it. Lately, we have known its release. which is set for October 27, as well as the system requirements required to play it, which somewhat surprised a lot of people because initially Shadowlands was said to require an SSD.

Some of the features added with Shadowlands have been revealed, including the four Covenants that you can choose to join. But even before putting your hands on the expansion, Blizzard is already giving you the opportunity to set foot in the adventure, precisely by making a choice.

Blizzard is currently offering you the option of choosing a mount that will be included in Shadowlands at the start of 2021. A poll allows you to vote for your favorite, which will then be available in-game for free to all Shadowlands owners. However, you will have to be satisfied with the descriptions of the mounts given by Blizzard to make up your mind since no visuals have been revealed.

A total of five mounts are available for voting:

The Wandering Ancient will be the ideal mount for nature lovers. After all, who has never dreamed of going on an adventure on the back of a tree? The Soaring Spelltome will delight bookworms, while the Nerubian Swarmer is unlikely to be chosen by those that hate arachnids. You better keep the Curious Caterpillar out of your vegetable patch as it has already caused some trouble in Pandaria. Finally, the Gooey Slimesaber will be a saber-toothed tiger covered in ooze.

Although Blizzard has yet to reveal their appearance and their names are not final, we can already get an idea of ​​what these mounts will look like. To cast your vote you just have to visit the page dedicated to the survey right here before September 18.

And to find the best prices to purchase World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, do not hesitate to visit our comparator.

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