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World of Warcraft: Dragonflight will launch this year

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight will launch this year

Things seem to be moving quite fast in Blizzard when it comes to developing the new World of Warcraft expansion. Dragonflight was announced recently, and nobody really expected that it would launch earlier than 2023, primarily due to the impact that the company's legal problems have had on the release of post-launch content for Shadowlands

It's well known that World of Warcraft players devour the new content quite fast. It's almost impossible for the developers to keep up with their demands, so Blizzard has implemented specific methods to slow their pace, like staging the access to the different raid areas, for example. Players tend to abandon the game and return when new content is released, but many of them have found a more stable experience in other games, like Final Fantasy XIV, which has surpassed World of Warcraft as the most played game in the genre. Therefore, the need to launch additional content as soon as possible is probably fueling Blizzard's effort to release Dragonflight as early as possible.



Although there is no official date for the release of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, Blizzard has confirmed that the new expansion is coming this year.


"We are thrilled to share that we'll be bringing our next expansion to players later this year. Dragonflight is a return to Azeroth, and the freedom and exploration that World of Warcraft is known for. This is your chance to get up close and personal with the rich history of the storied Dragon Isles, and to immerse yourself in the high-fantasy at the core of the Warcraft universe."


World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is already available for pre-purchase, and it comes in three different editions. The Standard Edition includes the expansion, the Drakks Pet, and access to the new Dracthyr Evoker. For those willing to invest more money, the Heroic Edition also adds a character boost to level 60, the Tangled Dreamweaver Flying Mount, and the Murkastrasza Pet. Finally, the Epic Edition includes all the content in the cheaper ones, the Timewalker's Hearthstone Effect, the Diadem of the Spell-Keeper and Wings of Awakening transmogs, and 30 days of playing time.

If you are willing to purchase the expansion at the best price, keep an eye on our comparator in the coming days to find the best deals and buy your World of Warcraft: Dragonflight PC key cheap.

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  • Official website : World of Warcraft
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : November 23, 2004
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