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Discover the new weapons coming in Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Discover the new weapons coming in Destiny 2: Beyond Light

Destiny 2's upcoming expansion is bringing a lot of changes to the game. Destiny 2: Beyond Light not only continues the main story of the game with an epic experience that will let you discovers the secrets buried under the eternal ice that covers the surface of Europa, but it will also add plenty of gameplay features. One of the most significant ones will be a new element, Stasis, that will grant each of the different guardian classes a new set of abilities. But if you are a seasoned Destiny 2 player, you already know that your equipment of choice also makes a great difference in your gameplay style, since your armor can modify your skills turning them into something completely different, and your weapons can have a wide variety of firing modes and effects. This is the case for most of the new weapons and pieces of armor shown in the latest Destiny 2: Beyond Light video published by Bungie.



Among the exotic weapons that will be available to the players in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, you can find the powerful No Time To Explain pulse rifle, which is able to summon a portal that will fire bullets form an alternate timeline. The Lament is able to cut through enemies' shields. The Cloudstrike sniper rifle will let you summon a lightning storm, and Salvation's Grip is a rocket launcher whose projectiles can freeze a huge area.

When it comes to armor, Precious Scars, Icefall Mantle, Arthrys's Embrace, Mask of Barkis, Dawn Chorus and Necrotic Grip will modify your melee attacks, dodge, or even revive abilities to add extra effects that will enhance your gameplay style.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light will definitely be a game-changing expansion for Destiny 2 with all the new additions that it brings to the base game. If you haven't tried Destiny 2 yet, you can play the basic version of the game for free and then add more content with its expansions, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep and Destiny 2: Beyond Light, which will be available on November 10th.



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