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All you wanted to know about Battlefield 5

All you wanted to know about Battlefield 5

After the worldwide official reveal of Battlefield 5 yesterday, many questions have been answered and we have made a little recap so you won't miss a thing. The fifth installment of DICE's first-person shooter series is set in World War II, but it won't be focused on the typical scenarios we are used to. Instead, it will take us to "the unseen locations" such as Norway, The Netherlands or North Africa, unraveling War Stories inspired by real events at places that may be unfamiliar to the players used to this setting, but that were important during the conflict.



On the multiplayer side, Combined Ops is the name of the co-operative mode on Battlefield 5. It's an experience where you and your group will be deployed behind the enemy lines as a group of paratroopers with a mission to accomplish while being undetected. Being able to work as a small commando unit towards an objective will be a good introduction to the massive multiplayer battles that have become the trademark of the Battlefield series. Operations are back in Battlefield 5. Renamed as Grand Operations, these events will take place over four in-game days, where an attacking team tries to conquer a map initially controlled by the defenders. The achievement of different objectives during each day will have an impact on the development of the battle the following day. On the fourth day, there will be a dramatic Final Stand round where the players will have very limited supplies and life to reflect their exhaustion and the attrition of the war.

Squad gameplay will get quite a bit of attention on Battlefield 5. the game will bring many changes to the ways classes function and a bunch of new mechanics. The first important change is that all the classes will be able to revive, but only members of your same squad. Medics can do it faster and will give back more health to the revived player, still being quite a valuable asset for a squad. Also, all the classes will have a tool to be able to fortify locations, allowing you to dig in to defend a place, but the support class will excel at that, while still being able to provide ammunition to the other squad members. Gunplay will see some changes regarding recoil and bullet penetration to make shooting more real, with specific guns firing in specific patterns that you will be able to learn and counter and LMGs that can tear down a house if you use enough ammunition and time for it.

The personalization fans will be happy because pretty much everything, from your character to your squad, vehicles or weapons, is customizable, and everything you unlock will transfer from one game mode to another. Finally, the game won't have a Premium Pass and also it won't have loot boxes. Battlefield 5 is set up for release worldwide on October 19th this year for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but those that pre-order the Deluxe Edition will be able to start playing on October 16th. Also, Origin Access and EA Access subscribers will get a Play First trial on October 11th.

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