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Turn 10 addresses Forza Motorsport's problems

Turn 10 addresses Forza Motorsport's problems

Despite the huge number of players that have followed the Forza series for quite a long time, Forza Motorsport has a series of problems that have had the fans complaining since the game was released. Those mainly attain the progression system in the game, which does not quite convince the community.

Finally reacting

Developer Turn 10 has finally acknowledged those problems, and it has declared its intention to work on fixing them.

"We know that the progression system in Forza Motorsport is a divisive topic among our players. We’ve been gathering feedback from a variety of sources, including the Suggestions Hub, socials, forums, long-time players, and surveys to players who may not be as active on our traditional community gathering places."

"Addressing this feedback is a top priority for the team going into 2024, however it will take some time to properly evaluate options, make the necessary code changes, and thoroughly test those code changes."

Unfortunately, the official announcement has been received with a bit of scepticism by the fans of Forza Motorsport. It's not that the changes are not welcome, but they are arriving too late for quite a few of those who bought the game hoping for the best experience in the series. However, it's not that the experience offered by Forza Motorsport is not memorable enough to deserve your time. The game allows you to drive to your heart's content a wide variety of cars and includes many interesting features. But there is always room for improvement and the requests of the community seemed to be ignored for maybe too long.



Hopefully, this new approach from the developer will make the fans of Forza Motorsport happier. If you want to give the game an opportunity and discover an exciting and realistic driving simulation experience, feel free to use our comparator to buy a Forza Motorsport digital download code today.

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