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The System Shock remake is finally getting a female protagonist

The System Shock remake is finally getting a female protagonist

System Shock is a cult video game franchise whose instalments are among the best classic games in the genre. The original System Shock was released in 1994 and delivered an exciting horror sci-fi experience where players confronted the hostility of a deranged AI in control of a space station. Later, System Shock 2 would expand the story and add new gameplay mechanics. Intense FPS mechanics, an oppressive atmosphere, and a great story were the elements that made the series a favourite of the fans back then. A remake of System Shock was released last year with great success, and it brought the classic back to life with modern graphics and other exciting novelties. However, some of the most anticipated novelties that were supposed to be in the game at launch didn't make it in the final version. Developer Nightdive Studios has needed a few months more to complete the development of these new features, and they will be arriving next week in the largest patch released for the System Shock remake so far.



Choose your gender

As all the fans of System Shock know, the protagonist of the original game is a man. This nameless security hacker is the one in charge of thwarting SHODAN's evil plans while navigating the dark corridors of Citadel Station. However, Nightdive Studios promised the option of choosing a female character as the protagonist of the game. This feature will now be added to the upcoming patch, which will arrive on April 11.

However, the most exciting addition coming to System Shock in next week is a new ending that the studio has created to mitigate the disappointment that the original ending generated for some players. In System Shock, you spend most of the game preparing for the showdown with SHODAN, but the final confrontation is not exactly an epic fight full of action. It seems that this could change from next Thursday.

System Shock is one of the best remakes released in 2023 and the upcoming patch looks like enough of a reason to pay it another visit. If you have yet to discover the franchise, we highly recommend that you use our comparator to get a System Shock CD key and get ready for an immersive cyberpunk experience with horror tints set in an isolated space station in the depths of space.

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Kitten Chucklenugget
Apr 6, 2024, 03:32
meh i rather have System Shock 2, not this update. not like the characters talks anyway other than grunting
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