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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini will have 40 Classic Games

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Mini will have 40 Classic Games

Sega is going wild with the Genesis/Mega Drive Mini.


The iconic SEGA Genesis returns September 19, 2019, with our lovingly crafted SEGA Genesis Mini for $79.99!

Simply plug-in and play 40 of the console's legendary titles, 10 of which we're announcing today.

Learn more and pre-order today: https://t.co/zRqELdIXgt pic.twitter.com/bjtlqMEgEU

— SEGA (@SEGA) March 30, 2019

The Mini version of SEGA's classic console is on the way. The original SEGA Mega Drive (SEGA Genesis in North America) was launched in 1988. SEGA already announced in the SEGA’s Fes event in Tokyo, Japan, that Genesis Mini is launching worldwide on September 19th, 2019. It will cost $79.99 US/AUD $193.95/£69.99/€79.99 and it will include 40 games. This compact version allows fans to indulge themselves in nostalgia as they play old school classic games like Sonic the Hedgehog, Castlevania: Bloodlines, and Gunstar Heroes all in modern displays. The list of titles can go on but for now, SEGA has only revealed ten titles that will be released in the US (Sonic the Hedgehog, Ecco the Dolphin, Castlevania: Bloodlines, Space Harrier 2, Shining Force, Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, ToeJam &Earl, Comix Zone, Gunstar Hopes, and Altered Beast) and the remaining will be "announced intermittently over the coming months."



The SEGA Mega Drive Mini comes with a pair of three-button controllers that you can connect to the console via USB, so forget about it if you were planning on using your old controllers. If you are one of those that grew up playing to SEGA's games instead of Nintendo's you can pre-order the Mini on Amazon and Wal-Mart. There is also an upcoming SEGA Mega DRive Mini that will be released in Asian markets, and it will also have its own set of exclusive titles. The games for this version are as follows:

  • Wrestleball
  • Shining Force
  • Space Harrier II
  • Gunstar Heroes
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  • Castlevania: Bloodlines
  • Puyo Puyo Tsu
  • Comix Zone

  The rest of the games included in this version will also be progressively revealed in the months previous to the release. The Mini was slated for a 2018 release but it was delayed when Sega dropped AtGames, their original hardware partner. They went to M2 for help, and this isn’t surprising since they also worked with them for the Sega Ages collections.

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