Remedy shows the gameplay of Control's second expansion, AWE

Remedy shows the gameplay of Control's second expansion, AWE

With Control's upcoming expansion in the scope, developer Remedy showed us what kind of novelties we can expect to find once AWE is released. This second expansion was revealed last week and we can now watch fifteen minutes of gameplay that will give us some insight on what exactly are the Altered World Events that give the name to it and why Alan Wake is appearing in the middle of all this. Control: AWE turned out to be a sort of crossover in which we will find the protagonist of the famous horror & adventure series, also created by Remedy Entertainment. The nightmarish world depicted in Alan Wake's games will get mixed with Control's world giving shape to a universe that opens a lot of possibilities, as Remedy creative director Sam Lake explains in the video.



Control has all the elements needed to create this kind of interaction, as The Old House is connected to different universes. In Control: AWE, Jesse Faden will enter try to reclaim the Investigations Sector from a creature that has been haunting it for years. To do so. she will have to explore several Altered World Events, which translates into new story content and side missions in game terms.

But players are getting more content when Control: AWE expansion is released on Steam on August 27. A free update available to all players that own the base game will add more checkpoints, an upgraded Launch skill that will allow Jesse to manipulate three objects at a time, and a new Surge form for Jesse's service weapon, which will make it fire sticky grenades that she can detonate remotely. 

With more offensive options for Jesse and new worlds to explore Control: AWE is going to be a must for those that enjoy Remedy's adventure game. If you have not played Control yet and you want to get the full experience, Control Ultimate Edition will be available on August 27 on Steam and a bit later on other platforms. It will include Control base game and its two expansions.



  • Official website : Control
  • Categories : Action, Adventure
  • Editor : 505 games
  • Developer : Remedy Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : August 27, 2020
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