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Play World of Warcraft free for five days

Play World of Warcraft free for five days

World of Warcraft is without a doubt one of the most famous online games. Whether one appreciates or not Blizzard's title, very few today have never put their hands on it. You can play the basic game on a free trial up to level 20, so it´s quite easy to try it. From March 21st to 25th, you will be able to play (or replay) for free World of Warcraft. This offer primarily could interest former players who have turned away from the game. Blizzard has recently added two new allied races, the Humans of Kul Tiras for the Alliance, and the Zandalari Trolls for the Horde, this is an opportunity to you discover them without paying a penny.

During this free trial, all inactive accounts will be able to access the game without a subscription. To enjoy it, you simply need to connect via the BattleNet launcher, having updated the game before, of course. You will be able to find your favorite characters, but also to create new ones. All game content will be accessible until Battle for Azeroth, even if you have not purchased the expansion. However, if this is the case, a limitation is still necessary. For players who did not purchase Battle for Azeroth, the last expansion trial will be limited to three hours of play or until you complete the quest "A loan for rendering" for the Horde, or "A divided nation" for the Alliance. This is also a great opportunity to meet some friends or guild companions. Promotions also accompany this free weekend, some of them in the game. In fact, you will benefit from a 30% discount on character transfers, faction change, and race change. To get World of Warcraft, all its expansions, and even prepaid cards at the best price, visit our comparator.




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  • Official website : World of Warcraft
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : November 23, 2004
  • Official website : WoW Battle for Azeroth
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : August 14, 2018
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