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Payday 2 receives a new DLC this week

Payday 2 receives a new DLC this week

Overkill has been silent for almost a year, but now they have announced a new DLC for their cooperative first-person shooter. Payday 2: Border Crossing Heist will be available tomorrow, and like its predecessors, it expands the content available in the game with a new heist. It will take you to the Mexican border in another experience full of action and shootouts.



The creators of the Payday series have been releasing extra content for Payday 2 for a while. Those content drops first came in the form of free DLC for a while, but in the end, the developers decided to move to a paid system to fund their creations. It's widely known that Overkill is working on the development of Payday 3, and even if we still will probably have to wait for two or three more years to see it, it's nice to know that they don't forget about its predecessor yet. Of course, it is sad to see that they have decided to abandon their original policy of free content drops.

Payday 2 was released in 2013, at least the original version for PC, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, but later we have seen versions for Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. Overkill Software's commitment to release content for Payday 2 has been maintained for six years already, and that's something that not many developers can be proud of. Supporting them by buying a DLC seems just fair if you consider that they are making an effort to maintain the enormous fan base of the game happy.



Payday 2 still offers a great experience, and through the last six years, the amount of extra content it has received is quite impressive. If you have not tried it yet, you might want to do it now that there is a special bundle available. PAYDAY 2: Legacy Collection comes with the base game and 36 different DLC that include new heists, weapons, customization options that will maintain you entertained quite a while for a more than reasonable price.

Best deals for Payday 2

PC  · Steam
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
£0.44  £0.40
XboxOne  · Xbox One
Crimewave Edition
discount code -3% :  3DLC
£3.19  £3.09
Xbox Series X  · Xbox Series X
Crimewave Edition
PS4  · PlayStation 4
Crimewave Edition
Switch  · Nintendo Switch
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