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News, Good deals

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will completely change the game
Nov 4, 2019, 09:50 Fyra Frost
BlizzCon 2019 has come to an end. This year we have got all that was expected and a bit more. The reveal of Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 have been spectacular, causing great excitement among the fans, but World of Warcraft's next expansion shadowed them both when its features were listed. Silvanas killed Saurfang in Battle for Azeroth after he challenged her to Mak'gora. In the process, she revealed her disdain for all living things, abandoning...
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Play Battlefield V free this weekend
Nov 1, 2019, 13:24 Fyra Frost
DICE has organized several free trials for Battlefield V during the last month. On those, all players that wanted to give a try to the latest FPS in the Battlefield series have been able to fight on several maps and experience several gameplay modes including Rush, Conquest, and Grand Operations.     Starting today and for the next couple of days, the whole game is available to all players...
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AI: The Somnium Files launches a free demo
Oct 31, 2019, 13:22 Fyra Frost
Developer Spike Chunsoft, Inc has released a demo that allows you to give a try to its upcoming mystery adventure AI: The Somnium Files. The adventure
Developer Spike Chunsoft, Inc has released a demo that allows you to give a try to its mystery adventure AI: The Somnium Files. The adventures of investigator Kaname Date as he searches for a merciless murderer are available for everyone on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, as revealed on the official twitter account of the company. We have released a demo for AI: THE SOMNIUM FILES! The demo allows you...
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EA games are back on Steam
Oct 30, 2019, 14:58 Fyra Frost
At the time the news made a lot of noise. In 2011 Electronic Arts announced that it was leaving Steam to create its own platform which we all know today, Origin. If the case was so commented, it was mainly because of the withdrawal of Crysis 2 from Valve's platform, something that displeased a lot of players. The rumors about a new rapprochement between EA and Valve have been circulating for a while,...
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[Giveaway] Win a PC game you choose
Oct 30, 2019, 13:16 Fyra Frost
Would you like to win one of the biggest hits this fall? This is exactly what we are proposing today. As usual, this is a PC game in the form of a CD
Would you like to win one of the biggest hits this fall? This is exactly what we are proposing today. As usual, this is a PC game in the form of a CD key, which you can choose from among those offered to you. On the menu this week, there's something on the menu for everyone this week: GRID for speed fans, Red...
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Dragon Ball Z Kakarot shows its gameplay in a new video
Oct 30, 2019, 09:31 Fyra Frost
If you like Japanese anime and manga or you grew up in the nineties, it´s almost guaranteed that you know who Son Goku is and what is Dragon Ball Z. Even though the story of Goku on his search for the Dragon Balls starts with him as a child, it is the second part of the series from Akira Toriyama that Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot focuses on....
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The latest FIFA 20 update is already available on PC
Oct 29, 2019, 14:30 Fyra Frost
EA is hurrying up with the latest update for FIFA 20. It was announced yesterday on the official forums by EA community manager EA_ GZaro and PC players can already download it and apply a multitude of changes to the game. It seems that it follows the shadow of Update 4 and likewise, it comes with plenty of general gameplay changes focused on making the experience a bit more...
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Death Stranding will also be released on PC
Oct 28, 2019, 18:09 Fyra Frost
After announcing a few days ago a tour to the four corners of the planet to promote his next title, Hideo Kojima surprises us with a new Death Stranding announcement. This surprise will delight more than one because Death Stranding will not be a PS4 exclusive, and it will be released on PC early summer 2020. Kojima announced the good news on Twitter earlier today....
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2K Sports announces a patch to fix WWE 2K20 problems
Oct 28, 2019, 17:20 Fyra Frost
It’s really bad to find out that the game you have been expecting to enjoy and that have cost you your hard-earned money is a bug-ridden mess. If we
It's really bad to find out that the game you have been expecting to enjoy and that have cost you your hard-earned money is a bug-ridden mess. If we are talking about a game that is the flagship and the main representation in the world of video games of professional wrestling, then it's more of a grievous offense than just an annoyance. We don't have a clue about the reasons that 2K Sports could have to publish...
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Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is coming to PC early 2020
Oct 28, 2019, 16:16 Fyra Frost
Playing Monster Hunter World on your PC means that you have to wait a bit longer than the console players. It happened with the release of the game and now it's happening with the Iceborne expansion, but Capcom is doing great work adapting the game and squeezing every drop of juice out of the more powerful graphics setups that the PCs usually have. You can see it very clearly in the video that the developers have published to...
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Discover the free games of the week in Epic Games Store
Oct 25, 2019, 15:20 Fyra Frost
Although Halloween is not a festivity very present in all countries, it’s difficult to escape from its influence. The world of video games is not fr
Although Halloween is not a festivity very present in all countries, it's difficult to escape from its influence. The world of video games is not free of it, of course, because it is also a very good excuse to propose limited duration events and rather nice content. And if Halloween may rhyme with treats for some, it also rhymes with fright. Last week we already had the possibility of getting spooky games offered by the...
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Ubisoft delays the launch of several games
Oct 25, 2019, 10:48 Fyra Frost
It seems that the sales of the latest games developed by Ubisoft are not as good as they expected. That seems to be the main reason behind the announcement of the delay of several titles that are in the works. Gods and Monsters, Watch Dogs: Legion and Rainbow Six Quarantine will launch later than it was initially planned and Ubisoft president Yves Guillemot has been very clear in...
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