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For Honor's Year 4 starts next week with plenty of novelties
Jan 31, 2020, 09:41 Fyra Frost
It's been already four years since For Honor was launched and since then we have seen the addition of a lot of content to the game through multiple seasons. The fourth year of the game is about to start and Ubisoft has revealed what kind of novelties we can expect to see in the game during the following months. The Year of Reckoning starts on February 6th and it seems that it will bring new winds of war after...
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Battlefield V reveals Chapter 6: In the Jungle
Jan 30, 2020, 17:44 Fyra Frost
Released at the end of 2018, Battlefield V has succeeded in returning to the origins of the series. Dice and Electronic Arts have not left players in need of new content since the game was launched with the regular addition of chapters to Tides of War, each with its own theme, and bringing plenty of new features. Chapter 5 War in the Pacific brought a whole new front that allowed players to delve into another aspect of history, in addition to...
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Dead Cells new DLC is coming next month
Jan 30, 2020, 13:57 Fyra Frost
Last month we announced that the first paid DLC for Dead Cells was to be released early 2020, but we couldn´t give you an accurate launch date for it
Last month we announced that the first paid DLC for Dead Cells was to be released early 2020, but we couldn´t give you an accurate launch date for it. We are happy to let you know that The Bad Seed will be finally available on February 11th, 2020.   The Bad Seed will add new...
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Dirt Rally 2.0 honors Colin McRae with its new DLC
Jan 30, 2020, 09:42 Fyra Frost
It's no secret that Colin McRae has been one of the keys of the initial success of the rally racing series that started sharing his name and we al
It's no secret that Colin McRae has been one of the keys to the initial success of the rally racing series that started sharing his name and we all know today as Dirt. Codemasters launched the first game of the series in 1998 and since then a good dozen videogames have been released to delight the fans of competitive rally racing. A major change occurred in 2007 when the license abandoned the name of the Scottish multi-champion to be simply...
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The Sims: Maxis is recruiting for a new game
Jan 27, 2020, 18:27 Fyra Frost
We have seen the release of a lot of new content for The Sims 4 in 2019, and 2020 seems to be following the same path. We had two expansion packs, Island Living, and Discover University, two game packs, Strangerville and Realm of Magic, and finally the Moschino item kit; while 2020 begins with the Tiny-Living stuff pack. All of this is not a coincidence, because The Sims 4 celebrated...
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DOOM Eternal won’t have microtransactions
Jan 27, 2020, 16:54 Fyra Frost
id Sofware’s upcoming shooter DOOM Eternal will move away from the current trend of including a shop where to buy things with real money. If you wer
id Sofware's upcoming shooter DOOM Eternal will move away from the current trend of including a shop where to buy things with real money. If you were wondering if the upcoming installment in the DOOM series is going to require that you spend extra money to enjoy the game or be competitive during multiplayer gameplay you can rest assured that it will not be the case.  ...
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Soulcalibur VI will receive a Samurai Shodown crossover DLC
Jan 27, 2020, 15:36 Fyra Frost
EVO 2020 has taken place last weekend in Japan and among the announcements made in the event we have seen some information about the upcoming content for Soulcalibur VI. The latest entry in the Soulcalibur series will receive a new DLC this Spring, and it seems that SNK and Bandai Namco have made an agreement so we can see Haohmaru fighting in Soulcalibur VI. If you...
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Disco Elysium receives a new gameplay mode
Jan 24, 2020, 13:25 Fyra Frost
Disco Elysium was one of the biggest surprises of 2019. Nobody expected that a relatively unknown developer would launch such a great RPG, and since it was launched in October the game has managed to get a lot of fans that love being a detective in the crowded streets of Revachol. Taking inspiration in classic Infinity Engine role-playing games like Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale, Disco Elysium takes the action to a more modern and sordid universe where...
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Team Ninja has published Nioh 2 story trailer
Jan 23, 2020, 14:32 Fyra Frost
Team Ninja is an experienced Japanese studio that has developed plenty of games since it was created. As a division of Koei Tecmo, the studio has focused mainly on developing the fighting games of the Dead or Alive franchise, but we can count some action-RPG titles among their creations, like Ninja Gaiden series or Nioh. One of the upcoming games that they are launching is Nioh 2, and the studio has published a...
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Hellblade 2 developer announces a new project
Jan 23, 2020, 12:31 Fyra Frost
Ninja Theory should have its hands full right now with the development of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 and Bleeding Edge, which are to be released in 2
Ninja Theory should have its hands full right now with the development of Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 and Bleeding Edge, which are to be released in 2020. But it seems that Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice has given them enough momentum to take on multiple projects without compromising the release of these. They have just announced that...
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Dead by Daylight is full of new content
Jan 22, 2020, 17:02 Fyra Frost
Released in 2016 on PC and later on consoles, Dead by Daylight was a hit among the players, having sold three million copies the year of its release. Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game. On a map, four survivors have to escape from a bloodthirsty killer, who tries to eliminate all of them to win. The game features a variety of different killers with unique abilities, including some characters from...
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Dreams goes Gold and it’s ready for launch
Jan 7, 2020, 11:00 Fyra Frost
Dreams developer Media Molecule, creators of Little Big Planet series, has announced that their upcoming game is completely finished and has gone Gold. The studio has announced it through a publication on Twitter where we can see the happy faces of the developers knowing that all the effort they did put into the game has finally been shaped into a great game. We’ve got some exciting news to share, CoMmunity... #DreamsPS4 has...
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