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Spelunky 2 is too difficult for some players
Oct 15, 2020, 11:30 Fyra Frost
Some levels in Spelunky 2 may receive some tweaks in order to make them less frustrating for some players.
Although it's something that may seem like granted for any player that has some experience with its predecessor, Spelunky 2 is quite a difficult game and that is bothering many players. According to a recent post on Steam, this has been one of the main concerns of a good number of players that have delved into the underground world of the platformer created by Mossmouth. Spelunky 2 designer Derek Yu has talked about a possible course of action...
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla requirements on PC have been announced
Oct 15, 2020, 10:34 Fyra Frost
Ubisoft publishes a new Assassin's Creed: Valhalla video and a complete list with the system requirements to play the game on PC.
Ubisoft has published a lot of information about Assassin's Creed: Valhalla since it was announced a few months ago. We have been allowed to delve into many aspects of the game through a variety of videos that have raised the interest of both fans of the franchise and newcomers. Eivor's adventure in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla has all the elements needed to become one of the most interesting in the whole series. Some aspects of the game, especially those related to...
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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands pre-patch is already available
Oct 14, 2020, 13:28 Fyra Frost
The new leveling system and some other features are already in place ahead of the release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.
Although the launch of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands has been delayed, Blizzard has released the pre-patch that prepares World of Warcraft for its upcoming expansion. This update that all those that own the game can download for free includes some of the most anticipated features that World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is bringing to the main game, namely the revamp of the leveling system, which has reduced the previous 120 levels to 50, and the addition of a multitude...
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Meet the Yiga Clan,  your opponents in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
Oct 14, 2020, 10:41 Fyra Frost
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity will bring back some familiar faces on the side of the antagonists but also some surprises.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is bound to serve as a transition game between The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and its sequel, which is rumored to appear at some point in 2021. The game doesn't exactly follow the same pattern as other Legend of Zelda titles and it focuses a bit more on combat. In regards to its story, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity will take place quite a few years before the events in...
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The next Sims 4 expansion will be revealed in just a few days
Oct 13, 2020, 18:32 Fyra Frost
October 20 is the official reveal date for the next The Sims 4 expansion.
Although we currently do not have a precise roadmap as it was the case in the spring, we do know that certain things are planned soon for The Sims 4. The game also received a "surprise" update last week that included some free items inspired by Hispanic cultures, especially those of Latin America. Although the update was free, it was not to the liking of all The Sims 4 players. Indeed, it was initially intended for another purpose: to...
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare loses some weight today
Oct 13, 2020, 14:35 Fyra Frost
After months requesting it, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players will be able to uninstal specific parts of the game on PC starting today.
It's not like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is starting a diet today but it's quite likely that most of the players will make use of a new feature that is going to be implemented when the latest update for Infinity Ward's first-person shooting game is released today. Anyone that plays the game right now has at least 225 GB of storage occupied by its files on PC, and that's quite a lot, especially if you consider that some of...
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The story in Amnesia: Rebirth takes fear to a new level
Oct 13, 2020, 13:22 Fyra Frost
Frictional Games reveals a bit more about the story in Amnesia: Rebirth through a new video.
Quite a few years after the release of the first game in the Amnesia series, Frictional Games continues to demonstrate that they have mastered the intricacies of the survival horror genre with Amnesia: Rebirth. This new installment will be available very soon and it will offer quite an immersive experience for the players. Every aspect of the game has been created with extreme detail and the developers have put a lot of effort into including plenty of systems that contribute...
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Torchlight III features are detailed in a new video ahead of release
Oct 12, 2020, 16:14 Fyra Frost
Torchlight III leaves Early Access tomorrow and you can discover all of the novelties that it's adding to the series thanks to a new video.
Torchlight III has been on Early Access since June, and now that the game is ready to abandon that phase and finally be released developer Echtra Games has published a new video that gives us a good overview of many of the features that will be present in the upcoming action role-playing game. The previous games in the Torchlight series became quite popular thanks to the new mechanics and refreshing gameplay, which improved in many aspects of the kind of...
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The Outer Worlds gets a release date on Steam
Oct 12, 2020, 12:02 Fyra Frost
The Outer Worlds will finally be available on Valve's platform this month.
Almost one year after The Outer Worlds became available on Epic Games Store, the role-playing adventure developed by Obsidian Entertainment is about to be released on Steam. Although exclusivity deals are quite common nowadays, the strategy chosen by Epic Games in the commercial war against Steam produces collateral damage, and in this case, it's suffered by the people that have had to wait for such a long time until being able to experience the game in their platform of choice....
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Syberia: The World Before is the next in the series
Oct 9, 2020, 18:18 Fyra Frost
Syberia: The World Before will continue the critically acclaimed series and you can play the prologue for free now.
Created in 2002 by Benoît Sokal, Syberia is a critically acclaimed point-and-click adventure game series that already has three installments, and Syberia: The World Before will be the next one. Although the first two games were popular among the players, Syberia 3, which was released in 2017, had a mixed reception due to its new mechanics, particularly the ones regarding the movement in the game which was no longer a point-and-click. This is something that did not convince the fans but they didn't...
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ABZÛ and Rising Storm 2: Vietnam are free this week on PC
Oct 9, 2020, 11:39 Fyra Frost
ABZÛ and Rising Storm 2: Vietname are two completely different PC games that you can claim for free and keep permanently.
Every week Epic Games Store comes up with a few games that you can get for free on PC. It's been happening since the digital platform was released and it seems that there are no plans to stop doing it at any time soon. Of course, there is nothing to complain about since it costs players virtually nothing to log on their Epic Games Store account and claim the games, which will be added to their libraries and they can...
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Fall Guys season 2 has started!
Oct 9, 2020, 10:54 Fyra Frost
New maps and plenty of customization options along with a few other features are available in Fall Guys Season 2.
Fall Guys has been quite a discovery for a huge number of players since it was released not too long ago. This goofy experience that combines platform mechanics with battle royale has become one of the most popular games this summer and it's not exceptional only because of the sheer number of people playing it, but also because of the insanely fast growth of its player base. Such big popularity has even had an effect on the Fall Guys developers'...
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