The launch of The Outer Worlds is very close and Obsidian Entertainment is revealing a few last bits of information to complete the preparations for the release of its upcoming role-playing game. If you are one of those wondering if your PC will be capable of running the game you will be glad to know that the minimum and recommended specifications needed to play The Outer Worlds have been published.
It's quite surprising that you will only need 40 GB of hard drive space free to install the game since many games usually take about double that amount nowadays.
If you want to see more about this post-apocalyptic adventure set in the Halcyon system you can watch the following gameplay footage from the Tokyo Game Show. You don't have to worry too much about the spoilers because the texts are in Japanese and the guy playing is skipping most of the dialogues. It looks like the one playing doesn't seem to be quite experienced with this type of games though.
The Outer Worlds will be available to play October 25th on PC, PlayStation and Xbox One. Remember that if you are playing on consoles and you have purchased a physical version of the game you will have to download a rather big Day One patch before playing. The patch will be an estimated 38 GB download for Xbox players and an estimated 18 GB for PS4 players. Of course, this will not happen with digital versions, where the patch will be included in the pre-load of the game for both consoles.