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New World's Heart of Madness update launching on March 30

New World's Heart of Madness update launching on March 30

The launch of New World’s biggest update thus far has been slightly delayed to March 30 to give time for developers to fix a bug. Amazon Games made the announcement on their Twitter page along with an apology.


This ambitious update will finally see the conclusion of the game’s main story. In it, players pursue and confront the villainous Isabella in the Shattered Mountain and deep into the corrupted city of Myrkgard. Given the difficulty of this expedition, players are required to be at least level 60 and have a minimum equipment score of at least 550. 

You can have a sneak peek of Heart of Madness here, care of Invin:



The update also contains hundreds of fixes and updates to the world of Aeternum. Chief of these is the addition of the Blunderbuss, a rifle that leverages a character’s Intelligence and Strength. This makes it an ideal weapon for mages and close combat builds. Players can also test their new weapon against several unique enemies roaming Aeternum and against players in the new 3v3 PvP arenas, gaining rewards from the PvP reward track. 

Amazon has been stepping up in creating content for New World after seeing a drop in its player base. They have already outlined where they plan to take the game. This summer will see the launch of Barnacles & Black Powder, a new endgame expedition. Come autumn, New World will have another expedition called The Enead, and get to explore the new Brim Sands desert territory. We can also look forward to the inclusion of a new weapon, the Greatsword, and other events towards the end of the year.

It looks like a new era is coming for New World. Get into Amazon’s MMORPG with a best-price New World PC code from our comparator.

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