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Little Big Planet And Its Creation

Little Big Planet And Its Creation

Little Big Planet had a lot of innovative features, and the game was loved by lots of people, so some would wonder, what was the process behind making the game. We will be going over a lot of things, from the creation of the characters, how the world was edited, the creativity behind the whole project, and so on.

The first step was the creation of a prototype called Yellowhead, who could jump around and grab objects to move them around. Yellowhead has a lot of abilities that sound kind of like Sackboy, the overall game was way different then. The developers want to emphasize on player creativity, but at that time, sharing user-generated content isn't the same as it is today. 2005 didn't have big enough communities like YouTube and Facebook have today, as they were still relatively fresh then. MySpace was the only online service that was big then. The developer team was ready, so they landed a meeting with Sony's Phil Harrison, the head of Sony Computer Entertainment’s Worldwide Studios back then. They improved the prototype and then used it to explain what they want to do, instead of giving a typical presentation.



The team had a couple of ideas for the tool that would be used to edit levels, but they were still exchanging ideas and considering any possible mechanics. Then a tool was made that would allow the players to edit levels and there Sackboy was also made. The tool was integrated into the game, rather than it being a separate mode or an external tool of sorts. From then on, the idea just continued developing. The developers decided to stamp shapes one into another to produce complex, interesting forms, so they didn't work with abstract points in space, they worked with all sorts of shapes. 

Little Big Planet 3 and its charming look were made so that players could overcome any creative obstacles they had. Creativity was made to be the main point of Little Big Planet, so you could create and have fun at the same time! 

If you're interested in developer commentary and lots of other bonus facts about the creation of the game, you can read this article, and if haven't played it, you should definitely try the latest game, Little Big Planet 3.

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