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Join the fight, Battle for Azeroth is LIVE

Join the fight, Battle for Azeroth is LIVE

As announced, Blizzard has officially launched World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth today. The seventh expansion of the most famous MMORPG in the world is finally playable and millions of players have already started questing and leveling their way up to 120. Battle for Azeroth is one of the most anticipated expansions of World of Warcraft because it aims to rekindle the flames of war between the two major factions in the game. Horde and Alliance will struggle for the victory again, in a war that has lasted for years. The murder of countless innocent night elves with the burning of Teldrassil tree is the event that marks the starting point of this all out war, where there can only be one victor. The significance of such an act has been so great that it has even ignited the fanbase, creating some discrepancies inside the Horde and bolstering the fervor and determination of the Alliance players. Now, only time will tell what will remain after the tides of war settle down. If you are one of the experienced World of Warcraft players that have been eagerly waiting for this expansion to launch, then you probably know all this already and you are playing the game now. If you are not, you are still in time to join other players in the most popular MMORPG of all times, either starting from scratch or boosting your level to 110 to experience the expansion content from the first day.




World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth features many improvements to the original game, also bringing a lot of new amazing features, like island expeditions, warfronts, allied races, and the latest attempt to revive good old Southshore VS Tarren Mill days, the War Mode (it´s an option to toggle PvP on and off no matter what type of server you are on). If you don´t want to be the only one that doesn't understand what everyone is talking about today, you should give the game a try. We remind you that you have the opportunity of doing it for free with our Battle for Azeroth Giveaway, where you can win a CD key for the game or a 60 prepaid game time card if you already own the game and do not need another copy of it.

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  • Official website : WoW Battle for Azeroth
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : August 14, 2018
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