Unlike its predecessors, the Ryzen Z1 and Z1 Extreme, the next generation of processors designed by AMD specifically for handheld gaming PCs now includes three different models: the Ryzen Z2 Extreme, Z2, and Z2 Go. These models are categorized by descending levels of performance and power, which correspond to their respective price points in the new handheld PCs set to hit the market in 2025.
AMD's goal with the Ryzen Z2 series is to expand its reach in the market, offering products across the full spectrum, from entry-level to high-end, and aiming to capture market share within these segments. With the Ryzen Z2 series, AMD envisions its OEM partners creating handheld PCs with improved battery life, optimized software, and better performance compared to competing products—most notably Intel’s Lunar Lake.
And here are the details of the three AMD Ryzen Z2 series variants:
It is expected that updated devices such as the Asus ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go, featuring different Ryzen Z2 models to suit various price points, will be announced soon, potentially during Computex 2025. Until then, while waiting for more exciting news, remember to use our comparison tool to find the best deal for your next favorite game.
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