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Burning Crusade Classic beta has started

Burning Crusade Classic beta has started

It's been now well over a year since early players were able to relive the original World of Warcraft experience again with the release of WoW Classic in the summer of 2019. On the occasion from BlizzCon online, which took place last month, we discovered that the Classic adventure would continue with the announcement of Burning Crusade Classic. As Wow Classic did before, Burning Crusade Classic lets you relive the original experience by presenting the game as it was when the very first expansion for World of Warcraft was released. In more than fifteen years of existence, the game has changed dramatically and many of its gameplay mechanics are quite far from what they were then.

If you are one of those nostalgic gamers or you want to experience World of Warcraft as it was in 2007, you will be able to do it this year, since Blizzard has confirmed that Burning Crusade Classic will be available at a later date year. But you may have a chance to play it sooner than expected since the beta has just launched. If you want to take part in the beta you need to register on the official website dedicated to it and hope to be invited to participate in the beta. The invitations will be distributed to registered players over the coming weeks. The Burning Crusade Classic beta also has some restrictions in place: you will only be able to level your character up to level 64 and PvP will not be available right away. If you are using third-party add-ons you will not be able to install them at this time either.



Blizzard has yet to reveal what will happen next, but it's quite likely that Burning Crusade Classic will follow the same path as WoW Classic. Therefore, more beta phases and stress tests should take place later this year. In the meantime, you can still enjoy Classic WoW, but also the latest expansion released for the game, Shadowlands.

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  • Official website : World of Warcraft
  • Categories : Mmorpg
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer
  • Release date : November 23, 2004
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