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You can make boss fights easier in God of War: Ragnarök

You can make boss fights easier in God of War: Ragnarök

Sometimes, the addition of new features to a game causes problems, no matter how interesting they may be for some players. This is the case of God of War: Ragnarök, whose fans are immersed in an intense debate regarding one of its new accessibility options. We are talking, of course, about "Miniboss Checkpoints", which allows players to progress in the game in a significantly easier way. First of all, it's worth noticing that this is an option that is not activated by default, so you can only benefit from it if you choose to. That kind of makes the whole point of the argument about it moot but, how does it work and why is it there?

Miniboss Checkpoints

This accessibility option in God of War: Ragnarök adds a mid-fight checkpoint to boss fights. You can fight a boss down to half of its health bar and if you lose or abandon the game for some reason you will restart at the mid-point of the battle. If you are one of those players who hate boss fights you will enjoy this option as it will save you the trouble of going through the whole fight every time. The official explanation about this option is quite clear on the game notes:

“This option is meant to be activated if a Miniboss has provided an insurmountable challenge. It is locked in No Mercy and God Of War difficulty.”

The discussion generated by the revelation of this feature has been taken to social media and divides the fans between those that think that it makes playing God of War: Ragnarök pointless and those who don't want to be told how they have to enjoy the game. Activating Miniboss Checkpoints could make the game an interactive movie of sorts but in the case of God of War: Ragnarök it will definitely be a great movie. The depth of the storyline and the game's awesome graphics are enough reasons to visit our comparator to check out the best deals and get your God of War: Ragnarök PS code. No matter how rewarding it can be to finish the game on a higher difficulty, some people just find the process frustrating, and at the end of the day, all players have paid to enjoy the experience. 



This would be a completely different discussion if this feature wasn't optional in God of War: Ragnarök. In any case, we think that it's a great addition to a game with more than 70 accessibility options that serve the purpose of making the experience as enjoyable as possible for all kinds of players.

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