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The Trials of Osiris are coming to Destiny 2 next month

The Trials of Osiris are coming to Destiny 2 next month

Since Bungie left Activision Behind and launched Destiny 2 on Steam it has managed to get plenty of freedom regarding the way of releasing more content for their shooter. Re-launching the game as a free to play title with a purchasable expansion has allowed Destiny 2 to get some momentum and increase the number of players in the game. As a result, Bungie is also forced to release more content for the game to maintain those numbers. Thankfully, that also includes free content and events, and the next one comes in a shape that will be quite familiar to the fans of Destiny: the Trials of Osiris.

This gameplay mode was considered one of the most difficult ones in Destiny 2's predecessor and Bungie is ready to add it to the game next month. Starting on March 13, players will be able to put to test their skills and mettle by taking part in competitive 3v3 PvP matches. Trials of Osiris will bring back into Destiny 2 one of the favorite activities of the fans of the series. It's a weekend-only event that will allow players to earn a special set of Egyptian-themed armor which reacts by glowing when you have managed to achieve a flawless win in the Trials as proof of such a feat during at least that week.



The new season of Destiny 2 is starting on March 10 and its called the Season of the Worthy. Bungie has not revealed much about the new features that will be present for this season but the only thing revealed so far, the Trials of Osiris, has managed to raise the excitement of the players to levels not seen in the game for quite a while. 

If you are playing Destiny 2 already you should have more than enough time to find out a couple of trusty friends to face the Trials of Osiris when they become available. If you are not, you can try the free version of Destiny 2 and once you decide that you love it, visit our comparator to find the best price for its Shadowkeep expansion.



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