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The canceled Hellraid will serve as DLC for Dying Light

The canceled Hellraid will serve as DLC for Dying Light

Techland can be very happy with the success of Dying Light and Dead Island but the same can not be said about all of their projects. Despite the demonstrable experience of the Polish studio with survival horror action games, not all of its works have managed to convince, and some of them even were abandoned before being released. This is the case of Hellraid, a first-person fantasy slasher that was canceled in 2015 after two years under development. The game aimed to take the best aspects of Dead Island to create an experience that would allow players to battle against the demons of Hell. It was going to feature single-player gameplay and a cooperative mode for up to four players but the game was finally put on hold because it didn't meet the developers' expectations. Gladly enough all that work is not going to be wasted, and Hellraid will be the inspiration of an upcoming DLC for Dying Light that will arrive this Summer. Techland has also published a teaser to announce it.



The connection between the quarantine zone where Dying Light takes place, which mainly comprises the city of Harran and its outskirts, and the new Hellraid DLC is going to be no other thing than an arcade machine. We don't know if you will be transported into a video game or the device will serve as a portal that will allow creatures from Hell to invade your reality, but whatever the case is, you will have your hands full fighting against demonic beings in the DLC. The official statement leaves it very clear.

"Dying Light's new DLC Hellraid will be your ticket to Hell and back. No, it's not a metaphor. You will be literally hacking through demonic hordes of Hell. It all started with an arcade machine survivors found in the Tower's basement while investigating an odd power outage. None of them could remember seeing this strange device ever before. They moved it upstairs, unaware of its true nature."

Hellraid DLC will add a new map to Dying Light and it will be full of brand new enemies to defeat and weapons to exterminate them. It definitely seems to be a very good way of recycling content from the canceled game and it will also be a refreshing change for those that want to experience something different in Dying Light. We can worry about if it makes sense or not later, but the most important thing is that it's fun.



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