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Meet the heroes in A Total War Saga: Troy

Meet the heroes in A Total War Saga: Troy

The Creative Assembly has created a formula that really works with the games in the Total War series. Whether they are based on a fantasy universe or history, Total War games have managed to climb up to the top of the real-time strategy genre thanks to their gameplay mechanics and massive battles. Also, the realism and quality of the graphics have undeniably improved throughout the years, and now they have reached a level that makes recent Total War titles stand over their competitors and deliver an awesome experience. But said formula is not set in stone, and every new game in the Total War series brings new features that add a distinct flavor to each of them. 

With A Total War Saga: Troy we will see some of those new additions too. Not only the new installment in the Total War series will allow players to experience the most important conflict in Homer's Iliad like they have never before but it will also give heroes a prominent role in the strategic battles that will decide the future of Troy. We can now see how those heroes will interact with their troops and what kind of bonuses their troops will receive thanks to them in a couple of new videos that give us an overview of the legendary heroes aligned with each of the two factions present in A Total War Saga: Troy, Danaan Heroes and the Warlords of Troy.



As you can see in the videos, each of the heroes grants different bonuses to the troops under their command, but those troops will also be reflections of their leaders. You would expect that the troops following Achilles would be aggressive for example, and those under Hector's command to be defensive and heavily armored. A Total War Saga: Troy will give those troops a personality that matches their respective leaders, making every faction stand out in a different way and also have an impact on your strategic choices.



As you can see, A Total War Saga: Troy will combine lots of novelties with very solid strategic gameplay and impressive graphics. Its release is scheduled for August 13, 2020, on PC via Epic Games Store, and in case you forgot it, you will be able to claim it for free during the first 24 hours after launch. Make sure you don't miss it.

Best deals for Total War Saga TROY

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