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Child of Light RPG is free on PC

Child of Light RPG is free on PC

Any little bit that helps us staying at home is very welcomed right now, and video games are becoming one of those things that you can use to evade and relieve a bit of stress for a while. Even if you prefer to save your money for any unexpected emergency there are plenty of companies that are giving away games for free and Ubisoft has joined the trend with the stylish fantasy role-playing game Child of Light. You can get the game for free until March 28th. All you need to claim your copy is a Uplay account that you can create for free if you don´t have one yet. Once you have installed the launcher you just have to go to the page of the game and claim it for free and it will be yours permanently.



Child of Light is a 2D sidescrolling role-playing game with beautiful graphics. It follows the story of a Princess who is embarked on a mission to save the kingdom of Lemuria, which has been robbed of all light by Umbra, Queen of the Night. The evil queen stole the sun, the stars, and the moon, leaving all Lemuria citizens in darkness before conquering the kingdom. Princess Aurora escapes from confinement and with the help of some friends will try to free the kingdom from darkness and despair.

Set in the fantastical, watercolored world of Lemuria, Child of Light stars Aurora, a princess on a quest to save her kingdom with the help of a mystical companion named Igniculus. Throughout her journey, Aurora will recruit a colorful cast of allies to join her in the fight, confront enemies in turn-based combat, upgrade her team's skills and gear to take on bigger challenges, and solve puzzles to progress through the world.


If role-playing games are not your cup of tea or you would rather play something with a bit more action, Ubisoft is also hosting a Ghost Recon Breakpoint free weekend. You can play the latest shooter in the Ghost Recon series for a few days on all platforms, having access to all that the game has to offer. 



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