Last November, we told you of a rumor about Anthem. In this article, we discussed the possibility that BioWare could completely overhaul the game, given the decline in the number of players, caused by the lack of endgame content in particular.
It all started in September, with a message from the person in charge of the live-service, Chad Robertson, who posted about the future of Anthem on Bioware's blog. He talks about the system of seasons, but also declares that he cannot, at that time, decide on the long term future of the game. And for good reason, because in November Chad Robertson announced his departure from BioWare. A few months earlier, in August, Ben Irving, the producer of the game had also left the studio.
With these two people in important positions leaving the studio it was quite clear that there were changes coming to Anthem in the future.
Today we have confirmation that something is going on. In a new post published yesterday on the blog of BioWare, this time it's the general manager of the game, Casey Hudson, who speaks. He reviews this first year of the game by mentioning the problems raised by the community of Anthem, which affected the game, and somehow makes amends by admitting that certain aspects of the game deserved a little more attention. But it is the follow up which is especially interesting. This is what he declares:
We recognize that there’s still more fundamental work to be done to bring out the full potential of the experience, and it will require a more substantial reinvention than an update or expansion. Over the coming months we will be focusing on a longer-term redesign of the experience, specifically working to reinvent the core gameplay loop with clear goals, motivating challenges and progression with meaningful rewards – while preserving the fun of flying and fighting in a vast science-fantasy setting.
Although Casey Hudson does not give more details about the nature of the changes they will make on the gameplay, we now know that they will be important and that they will have deeply transform the game experience of Anthem. Meanwhile, the anniversary of the release of the game, which will arrive at the end of the month, should be a great opportunity to have new content for Anthem.