Buy The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt at the Best Price

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    Geralt of Rivia returns in a new adventure of the most famous witcher to delight all the fans of the role-playing games with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The life of Geralt as a monster hunter has never been easy. No matter what your social status is, people are bound to have problems with monsters and supernatural beings and therefore they will seek the aid of witchers. But when powerful monsters are chasing the people you love things start to become personal for you. In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, two important characters in Geralt's life are being chased by the Wraiths of Mörhogg, also known as the Wild Hunt. This group of powerful elves is known for hunting and capturing individuals to make them serve as slaves in their own world, and this time they are chasing the woman Geralt loves, the sorceress Yennefer. Geralt will manage to find her before the wild hunt but once they meet, he will discover that she is not the target of the Wild Hunt. Their objective is no other than Ciri, the former princess of the kingdom of Cintra who Geralt loves like a daughter. He will embark on a perilous quest to find Ciri before the Wild Hunt can capture her, but tracking her will not be an easy task and he will have to face many enemies.

    On the gameplay side, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an RPG adventure set in an open world that you are free to explore as you wish. You can meet plenty of people and take part in many quests, and each of them will get you rewards that will help you become more powerful. The game makes full use of several progression systems that allow you to develop your character however you please through a series of skill trees. As you level up you gain points that you can use to unlock different skills that are focused on three main areas. Combat tree has skills that empower the different types of physical attacks that Geralt can use while fighting, letting you specialize in whichever style of combat you prefer. The alchemy tree allows you to improve the usage of potions and concoctions. Those are very useful tools used by witchers to get the upper hand against supernatural monsters in combat. Finally, the skills in the magic tree empower your signs. These are fast casting spells that the witchers can use. Even though their usage is limited and they are less powerful than sorcerers' spells, they are still a very useful tool for a witcher that has to deal with magical creatures. You can customize your character through the use of all those skills to create your own gameplay style.

    The game also features a complete crafting system that will let you create plenty of items to assist you in your endeavors. From powerful potions and concoctions to specialized armor and weapons, there are plenty of ways to get ready for the dangerous enemies that you will face. Both humans and monsters will threaten your existence, and to get rid of them you will have to prepare yourself accordingly by gathering enough crafting materials to create the best equipment for each situation.

    The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers you an epic storyline that will allow you to delve a bit deeper int he world of the renowned witcher, but it also allows you to explore a multitude of side quests and alternative missions. The world in which the game takes place is grim and dangerous, and your own existence as a monster hunter reflects that perfectly. You are not forced to be a nice guy and even if you try it, the outcome may not always be the one you expect. Your actions will have repercussions in the world of the game, and as the story progresses you will make new friends and enemies. Surviving in a world that sees you as the lesser of two evils is not easy at all, and most of the people would probably consider you to be bad as the monsters you kill if those were not a problem in their lives.

    The combination of all those features and a great story gives shape to one of the best role-playing games of all time in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

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    (*) The best price is currently £2.14. We discovered this product available from 21 vendors supporting 9 DRM systems: Sony PSN, Steam, Xbox Live, EA app, GOG Galaxy, Windows, Epic Games, Nintendo eShop & Digital Download on 6 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 131 digital offers. and 29 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 133 comments already shared.

    Comments on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Apr 27, 2015, 14:18 on
    Day one ! Après avoir lu les 7 bouquins j'ai vu le trailer du 3 qui m'a tout de suite mis une grosse claque. Je navais pas encore fait le 1 ni le 2 mais en voyant le trailer du 3 on sent la suite des bouquins ! J'ai donc fait le 1 et le 2 dans la foulée pour ne rien rater de cet épisode qui met l'eau à la bouche. ( Ciri <3)
    Day one ! After having read the 7 books I saw the trailer of the 3rd one which immediately gave me a big slap. I hadn't done the 1st or the 2nd one yet but when I saw the trailer of the 3rd one, I could feel the continuation of the books! So I did the 1 and the 2 in the same time to not miss anything of this episode which makes the mouth water. ( Ciri &lt;3)
    Apr 27, 2015, 11:37 on
    Dans la mission "rossignol en retard " quand géralt dit:" Et si te coupais ce qui fait de toi un homme" ... Pas besoin d'en arriver là pour comprendre qu'il vous faut nécessairement The Witcher 3...ah ah envie d'une autre citation de notre ami Géralt ? Voyons répartie de notre cher Géralt : La vielle: "Jeune, sans gêne et débauché" Geralt: "Vieille, moche et emmerdeuse"
    In the mission "Nightingale late" when Gérald says: "And if you cut what makes you a man" ... You don't need to go that far to understand that you need The Witcher 3...ah ah want another quote from our friend Geralt? Let's see...the repartee of our dear Geralt: The old lady: "Young, shameless and debauched" Geralt: "Old, ugly and a pain in the ass".
    Apr 27, 2015, 10:56 on
    Un jeu magique proposé à des prix tout aussi magique :) Un grand nom qui renait après tant d'absence. Vivement sa sortie de mai !
    A magical game offered at equally magical prices :) A great name reborn after so much absence. Can't wait for its release in May!
    Apr 26, 2015, 19:12 on
    The Witcher 3 ca devrait être dans la droite lignée des autres opus : -Un open world vraiment open et vivant (un tas de quêtes secondaires) -Un (encore) meilleur systême de combat -Des graphismes tout simplement magnifiquuues!! -Une meilleure gestion de la caméra(?) Enfin vive CdProject, vive Géralt, et vive dlcompare ;)
    The Witcher 3 should be in the same line as the other opuses: A really open and lively open world (lots of side quests) An (even) better fighting system Graphics simply magnificent! A better camera management(?) Finally, long live CdProject, long live Géralt, and long live dlcompare ;)
    Apr 26, 2015, 13:18 on
    Impatient de connaitre la fin de l'histoire de Geralt de Riv. Un monde ouvert Action-RPG avec des graphismes dingues et toujours plus d'actions avec des cinématiques plus magnifiques les une que les autres. Un opus qui va mettre ses concurrents a genoux. <3
    Can't wait to see the end of Geralt of Riv's story. An open world Action-RPG with crazy graphics and always more action with cinematic more beautiful than the others. An opus that will bring its competitors to their knees. &lt;3
    Apr 26, 2015, 12:31 on
    CD Projekt fait partie de ces trop rares sociétés dans le monde du jeu vidéo qui ont gardé une éthique exemplaire, coûte que coûte. Pas de DRM, un prix global unique, une totale liberté pour l'utilisateur final. Ces qualités se sont toujours retrouvées dans les différents opus de la série The Witcher, que ce soit par la richesse du contenu, une écoute attentive de la communauté et un support sans condition pour les modders. Vous l'aurez compris, je suis un fan de la première heure et je suis l'évolution de cette belle entreprise avec admiration. Voilà pourquoi je serais enchanté de recevoir cette clé que vous offrez.
    CD Projekt is one of those too few companies in the video game world that have kept an exemplary ethic, whatever the cost. No DRM, a single global price, total freedom for the end user. These qualities have always been present in the different opuses of The Witcher series, whether it is by the richness of the content, an attentive listening to the community and an unconditional support for the modders. As you can see, I am a fan of the first hour and I follow the evolution of this beautiful company with admiration. That's why I would be delighted to receive this key that you offer.
    Apr 26, 2015, 00:01 on
    Grand Gamer devant l'éternel depuis les années 80, il m'est impossible de passer à côté de ce nouvel opus de la série The Witcher d'autant plus que depuis quelques semaines, les vidéos distillées par l'éditeur n'ont fait qu'augmenter mon état de manque à mon addiction aux jeux vidéo ^^
    Great Gamer since the 80's, it's impossible for me to miss this new opus of The Witcher series, especially since for a few weeks now, the videos distilled by the editor have only increased my craving for my addiction to video games ^^
    Benjamin FRANCOIS
    Apr 25, 2015, 15:36 on
    Pourquoi j'attends the Witcher 3 ? Pour l'open world, et les combats, Les chevauchées au crépuscule, Les coups d'épée dans les rotules, Pour son design et son histoire, Pour sa magie et son scénar, Pour ses griffons, ses loups, ses goules, Qu'on va r'pousser d'un gros coup d'boule, En bref pourquoi The Witcher 3, Bah pour Geralt de Rivia !!
    Why am I waiting for the Witcher 3? For the open world, and the fights, The rides at dusk, The sword in the kneecaps, For its design and its story, For its magic and its storyline, For its griffins, its wolves, its ghouls, That we're going to push with a big headbutt, In short, why The Witcher 3, Well for Geralt of Rivia !
    Apr 25, 2015, 09:04 on
    Pourquoi j’attends ce jeux avec impatience ? Tout simplement parce que je suis un petit fan de la série, tout comme je suis fan de tout RPG en réalit, mais avec witcher, c’est une petit histoire d’amour. Ayant fais les 2 premiers, j’attends celui là comme un jeux reprenant les bases de ces 2 premiers opus en rajoutant bien sûr pas mal de nouveauté mais surtout en gardant un scénario qui nous prend aux tripes, choses très importantes dans un RPG. Je viens de finir le très bon Dragon Age: Inquisition, mon prochain RPG ? The witcher 3 sans hésité et si vous pouvez me donner un petit coup de pouce pour l’obtenir, pourquoi pas :) Gloire à CD Projekt.
    Why am I looking forward to this game? Simply because I'm a little fan of the series, just like I'm a fan of any RPG in reality, but with witcher, it's a little love story. Having made the first 2 games, I'm waiting for this one as a game taking the bases of these 2 first opuses by adding of course a lot of novelty but especially by keeping a scenario which takes us to the guts, very important things in an RPG. I just finished the very good Dragon Age: Inquisition, my next RPG ? The witcher 3 without hesitation and if you can give me a little help to get it, why not :) Hail to CD Projekt.
    Apr 25, 2015, 08:04 on
    Pourquoi attendre Witcher 3 ?, si vous avez déjà joué au 1er et 2ème opus, pas besoin d’hésiter foncé, vous avez lut les romans et vous avez adorer, pour son univers, son personnage au caractère unique, est bien foncé. Pourquoi jouer à se Witcher ?, on vous met à votre disposition sans doute l’un personnage les plus intéressent à suivre que se soit jeu vidéo, série télé, film ou romans, le tout confondus, Geralt de riv sort du lot et c’est un jeu vidéo, le tout dans un univers mature, sombre et souvent violent, avec des décisions dure à prendre, qui seront souvent lourd de conséquence, les mensonges et complots son de mise, et souvent vous ne serez qui croire, et vous ferai manipuler (sa reste encore à prouver, maintenant, Geralt de riv devrait être rôdé, on verra bien). Vous vous attendez sans doute à chasser surtout des monstres, détromper vous, les monstres ce font de plus en plus rare et l’humanité à pris le dessus et c’est imposer, notre sorceleur préféré fait partis des derniers et est surtout pris dans des conflits humains contre humains, ou alors elfs, et même nain, et forcement à dus s’adapter, d’autant plus que les sorceleurs son considéré comme des non-humains au même titre que les sorciers et autre joyeuseté. Vous avez un univers et un personnage (et d’autre d’ailleurs) qui feront à eux seul presque tout l’intérêt du jeu et le tout dans un jeu libre comme dans un skyrim. Ce sera sans aucun doute le plus gros jeu de l’année 2015.
    Why wait for Witcher 3 ? if you have already played the 1st and 2nd opus, no need to hesitate, you have read the novels and you loved it, for its universe, its character with unique character, is well dark. Why play the Witcher?Geralt of Riv is a video game, with a mature, dark and often violent universe, with hard decisions to take, which will often have heavy consequences, lies and plots are the order of the day, and often you will not be able to believe who you are, and you will be manipulated (this has yet to be proven, by now, Geralt of Riv should be well trained, we'll see). You probably expect to hunt mostly monsters, think again, monsters are becoming rarer and rarer and humanity has taken over and it's imposed, our favorite wizard is part of the last and is mostly caught in human vs. human conflicts, or elves, and even dwarves, and forcefully had to adapt, especially since wizards are considered as non-humans in the same way as wizards and other joyousness. You have a universe and a character (and others for that matter) that will make them alone almost all the interest of the game and all in a free game like in a skyrim. This will definitely be the biggest game of 2015.
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