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    £17.61  Xbox Series X

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    £39.62  PC

Overwatch is the name of an international task force of heroes that restored peace in a world devastated by the war decades long ago. Their influence has dissapeared over the years and now the world is in conflict again, old and new heroes answer to the call to fight and prove their worth once more. But Overwatch is also the competitive FPS developed by Blizzard which features fights between teams of 6 players. Multiplayer only, you will have to pick a hero among around 20 and make sure your team is well-rounded in order to win. There are several archetypes of heroes: tanks, supports, defensive and offensive heroes, who each have a few specific skills to use. You obviously want to make sure your team has enough offensive or defensive heroes to have the best chance to win the game. Team setups should vary depending on the game mode such as Payload, where you have to escort a vehicle up to a certain delivery point before time runs out, and Point Capture, in which you need to either attack and capture points on the map, or defend them, depending on which team you are. Although those 2 are the only game modes so far, 2 more game modes will be available at launch. Ranked games are planned as well, probably for solo and team rankings, but yet again no official word about it. After several beta phases, Overwatch is scheduled to launch on May 24th 2016 on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, though there will be no cross-platform. 3 different editions will be available: digital (PC only), the « Origins » edition featuring a few goodies, and the collector edition.

Best deals for Overwatch

Download your game on Switch with the Nintendo eShop

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Requires a Battle.net account to active the your game CD key.

PC  · Battle.net
Origins Edition
discount code -8% :  DLCGAME
£43.07  £39.62

(*) The best price is currently £4.96. We discovered this product available from 4 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Sony PSN, Nintendo eShop & Battle.net on 5 platforms - PC, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 7 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 243 comments already shared.

Comments on Overwatch

Dec 30, 2016, 13:46 on dlcompare.fr
Tous mes amis y jouent, j'ai essayé le jeu pendant le week end gratuit, mais je suis encore trop léger dans le portefeuille pour l'acheter... Néanmoins je recommande, le jeu est nerveux, graphiquement très beau, et le gameplay est plutôt varié et intéressant (Le skillcap monte assez haut)
All my friends play it, I tried the game during the free weekend, but I'm still too light in the wallet to buy it... Nevertheless I recommend, the game is nervous, graphically very beautiful, and the gameplay is rather varied and interesting (the skillcap goes up quite high)
May 17, 2016, 11:51 on dlcompare.fr
Il me faut absolument ce game ! pourquoi ? parce que le monde aura toujours besoin de héros !!! piiiiin pin pin pin, pin pin piiiiiiiiiiiin !!!!!!!! Pas de panic mon choux, la cavalerie est arrivé !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely need this game! why? because the world will always need heroes!!! piiiiin pin pin pin, pin pin piiiiiiiiiin !!!!!!!! Don't panic my dear, the cavalry has arrived !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 16, 2016, 20:08 on dlcompare.fr
Un jeu juste excellent que j'ai pu tester pour la bétâ ouverte. J'ai joué à des fps mais certainement pas de cette trempe et j'ai envie de farmer ce magnifique jeu !
A just excellent game that I could test for the open beta. I played some fps but certainly not of this caliber and I want to farm this beautiful game!
May 12, 2016, 13:55 on dlcompare.fr
j ai commencer a jouer genji pour son charisme et je me suis rendu compte que jouer avec des gens au hasard revient a jouer sans healer ou bien sans tank la plupart du temps je suis tomber sur lucio le candidat idéal http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=681733171 alors voté pour une musique libre voté pour les déplacement et rapide ou encore pour des soin pour tous voté lucio
I started to play genji for his charisma and I realized that playing with random people is like playing without healer or tank most of the time I found lucio the ideal candidate http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=681733171 then vote for a free music vote for the displacement and fast or for the care for all vote lucio
May 9, 2016, 21:06 on dlcompare.fr
je suis joueur de wow et d'autre jeux batle net j'ai donc jouer a la beta de se jeux pour me faire un avis de se que blizzard pouvais encore nous faire de bien . conclusion le jeux est au top des personnage avec un role et une personnalité,des skin,des hf et beaucoup d'autre chose personnalisable et un gameplay plutot intérresant qui permet d'avoir des armes et des capacité assez cheater mais très dur a utilisé se qui exclu les kikoo de jouer a se jeux . au top !
I am a player of wow and other games batle net so I played the beta of this games to make me an opinion of what blizzard could still make us of good. conclusion the game is at the top of the character with a role and a personality, skin, hf and many other thing customizable and a gameplay plutot interesting which allows to have weapons and capacity enough cheater but very hard has used what excludes the kikoo to play this games. at the top!
Apr 30, 2016, 12:09 on dlcompare.fr
D'habitude les Fps ne m'attirent pas, mais là Ow me tente vraiment ! Le design est fun et sans prise de tête à la Cod ou Bf. Les différents héros sont variés et il y en a pour tous les goûts, et enfin même si on ne sait pas viser, on peut toujours prendre un tank ou un heal :D
Usually Fps don't attract me, but Ow really tempts me! The design is fun and without headache like Cod or Bf. The different heroes are varied and there is something for everyone, and finally even if you can't aim, you can always take a tank or a heal :D
Apr 28, 2016, 18:44 on dlcompare.fr
J'aimerais ce jeu, parce que je ne suis pas familier des moba mais j'aime beaucoup les jeux d'équipe et celui-ci donne bien envie avec ce gameplay FPS ! Puis l'univers est bien cool
I would like this game, because I'm not familiar with moba but I like team games a lot and this one gives me the desire with this FPS gameplay! And the universe is really cool
Apr 28, 2016, 18:21 on dlcompare.fr
WHOAWWW , un FPS de Blizzard WHOAW OMG !!! De toute façon , les gars , soyons d'accord , tous les jeux de Blizzard , sérieux , les gars , ils sont tous pète sa génitrice . Alors quand j'ai le l'ai vu à la Blizzcon . WHOAW !!! Et les gars , ce jeu , si vous me l'offrez , alors là , mais alors là ....
WHOAWWW, a FPS from Blizzard WHOAW OMG!!! Anyway, guys, let's agree, all Blizzard games, seriously, guys, they are all farting its genitrix. So when I saw it at Blizzcon. WHOAW!!! And guys, this game, if you offer it to me, then there, but then there ....
Apr 28, 2016, 15:25 on dlcompare.fr
Dès le trailer de la blizzcon j'ai fais "Waaaw ce jeu là va envoyer du lourd", je suis inscrit à la beta sans jamais avoir pu avoir de clé et en tant qu'ancien joueur semi pro sur cs1.6, je me dis que peut être enfin un FPS va me redonner envie de reprendre la compétition. Alors on tente sa chance avec dlcompare pour tester ca :D
As soon as I saw the trailer of the blizzcon I said "Waaaw this game is going to be a blast", I registered for the beta without ever having been able to get a key and as a former semi-pro player on cs1.6, I think that maybe finally a FPS will make me want to play again. So let's take a chance with dlcompare to test it :D
Apr 28, 2016, 10:49 on dlcompare.fr
Je n'ai pas eu l'occasion de participer à la bêta, fan inconditionnel des jeux Blizzards, plusieurs années sur WoW, idem sur Diablo, SC ou Heroes of the Storm où je ne joue qu'en classé (R1). J'ai hâte de pouvoir poser les mains sur Overwatch et me frotter à mes futurs ennemis de jeu :)
I did not have the opportunity to participate in the beta, fan of Blizzards games, several years on WoW, ditto on Diablo, SC or Heroes of the Storm where I play only in ranked (R1). I can't wait to get my hands on Overwatch and rub shoulders with my future enemies :)
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Overwatch
  • Categories : Action, First-Person Shooter
  • Editor : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Developer : Blizzard Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : May 24, 2016
  •     Switch : October 15, 2019
  • System Requirements
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 16
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