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Buy Planet Coaster 2 at the Best Price

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    The ultimate coaster park experience is within your reach with Planet Coaster 2. The sequel to the beloved sandbox simulation game brings a wealth of novelties that allow you to unleash your creativity and management skills as you construct the best theme park ever. Design and build the theme park of your dreams and complete it with epic water rides and coasters that thrill your guests and make them return for more in this unique simulation game.

    Planet Coaster 2 features enhanced building and pathing tools, allowing for an experience that is suitable for newcomers and seasoned creators. You can build almost anything you can imagine, including amazing water and coaster rides to surprise your guests.  

    Of course, you need to make your business profitable to keep it running. That requires you to understand your guests' needs and provide them with the desired experience. As Planet Coaster 2 features a multiplayer mode, you can even ask for the help of your friends to create the best park ever.

    Planet Coaster 2 also allows you to share your creations online, and even check out other player's parks in search of exciting ideas.  Those looking for the ultimate coaster park experience will feel at home in this game.

    Best deals for Planet Coaster 2

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    Use your key on Epic Games launcher to download your game

    Use your PS5 code on the Playstation Network.

    Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.


    (*) The best price is currently £10.82. We discovered this product available from 20 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Steam, Epic Games, Sony PSN & Xbox Live on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 86 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 31 comments already shared.

    Comments on Planet Coaster 2

    Nov 22, 2024, 10:02 on dlcompare.it
    Lo sto provando assieme ad un amico ed il gioco è parecchio divertente, magari in solo ti annoi prima
    I am trying it together with a friend and the game is quite fun, maybe in solo you get bored sooner
    Nov 20, 2024, 21:21 on dlcompare.it
    Ho provato la demo e devo dire che è molto interessante
    I tried the demo and I must say it is very interesting
    Nov 20, 2024, 20:42 on dlcompare.es
    Si bien la construcción de atracciones es divertida y adictiva, el resto del juego tiene demasiados problemas para impresionar realmente.
    While the attraction building is fun and addictive, the rest of the game has too many problems to really impress.
    Nov 20, 2024, 20:30 on dlcompare.fr
    C'est un jeu chill le jeu est cool, à testez peut-être
    It's a chill game, the game is cool, maybe try it out!
    Nov 20, 2024, 08:17 on dlcompare.es
    Tiene todavía muchas cosas que mejorar, el funcionamiento de la IA sobretodo es lo que más mejora necesita
    It still has a lot of things to improve, especially the AI performance, which needs the most improvement.
    Nov 19, 2024, 08:50 on dlcompare.es
    creo que falta mas de la mitad de objetos de decoración, es literalmente el PC1 pero con la mitad de objetos y elementos
    I think more than half of the decorative items are missing, it is literally the PC1 but with half of the items and elements.
    Nov 18, 2024, 23:15 on dlcompare.it
    Non sapevo ci fosse un seguito, il gioco sembra interessante
    I didn't know there was a sequel, the game looks interesting
    Nov 18, 2024, 15:25 on dlcompare.fr
    Planet Coaster 2 est super fun pour créer le parc de tes rêves ! Les graphismes sont magnifiques, et les outils de construction sont très intuitifs. On peut vraiment laisser libre cours à son imagination. Quelques petits bugs, mais rien de bien méchant. Un excellent jeu pour les fans de gestion et de créativité !
    Planet Coaster 2 is great fun for creating the park of your dreams! The graphics are magnificent, and the construction tools are very intuitive. You can really let your imagination run wild. A few minor bugs, but nothing to worry about. An excellent game for fans of management and creativity!
    Nov 18, 2024, 11:47 on dlcompare.es
    Digno sucesor del anterior, con todas las mejoras gráficas posibles
    Worthy successor of the previous one, with all the possible graphical improvements.
    Nov 17, 2024, 22:01 on dlcompare.fr
    Un jeux sympa pour passer le temps, j'aime bien l'ambiance et l'effet qu'il apporte je l'apprécie bien autant que le premier
    A nice game to pass the time, I like the atmosphere and the effect it brings, I like it as much as the first one.
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Planet Coaster 2
    • Categories : Simulation, Strategy
    • Editor : Frontier Developments
    • Developer : Frontier Developments
    • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
    • Release date : November 6, 2024
    • System Requirements
      • Recommended
      • OS : Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
      • CPU : Core i7-10700K / Ryzen 7 5800
      • RAM : 16 GB
      • GPU : GeForce RTX 2070 Super / Radeon RX 6700 XT
      • Storage : 25 GB
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