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Buy The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road at the Best Price

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    The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road is an expansion to the popular MMORPG game, The Elder Scrolls Online. This expansion is set in the region of Hammerfell, where players will explore the West Weald, home to the wealthy Colovian Imperials. New locations like the city of Skingrad and the jungles of Valenwood are full of opportunities for adventurers, but danger lies around every corner as the region is suffering Daedric incursions. The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road brings a new and exciting chapter to the story with the return of Ithelia, a powerful Daedric Prince who appears for the first time in the game.

    The expansion adds new quests, dungeons, and content for players to enjoy, and there are also numerous side quests that players can undertake, which will take them to new locations and introduce them to new characters.

    The Gold Road expansion introduces a new Trial, which is a challenging 12-player dungeon, Lucent Citadel, where players will explore an ancient Daedric vault in search of a legendary artefact, the Reanimating Crux. Such a feat will require teamwork and strategy to complete. Players can also explore new delves, which are dungeons that can be completed with a smaller group of players.

    In addition to new content, the expansion also introduces new features such as Skill Styling, which allows players to customize their skills with new visual effects by using collectable items that they can find in the expansion. Also, the brand new Scribing feature allows you to use grimoires and other elements to add a variety of effects to your existing skills. This offers you an unprecedented level of customization when it comes to building your character, and opens up a myriad of possible combinations and gameplay styles, making this expansion a must-have for all fans of the popular MMORPG.

    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : The Elder Scrolls Online

    Best deals for Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

    Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

    Activate your product for free through the seller or publisher.

    • The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edition (base game)
    • Gold Road Chapter
    • New and Previous Deluxe items
    • All previous Chapters - Necrom, High Isle, Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind.
    • Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount
    • Pup Pet (available with pre-purchase until March 18th)
    • The Elder Scrolls Online Standard Edition (base game)
    • Gold Road Chapter
    • All previous Chapters - Necrom, High Isle, Blackwood, Greymoor, Elsweyr, Summerset, and Morrowind.
    • Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount
    • Pup Pet (available with pre-purchase until March 18th)

    This content requires the base game.

    • Gold road chapter
    • Gold road deluxe items
    • Welkyndstone Ruins Wolf mount
    • Pup Pet (available with pre-purchase until March 18th)

    (*) The best price is currently £12.52. We discovered this product available from 10 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Steam, Digital Download, Xbox Live & Sony PSN on 3 platforms - PC, PS4 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 55 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 34 comments already shared.

    Comments on The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road

    Jun 2, 2024, 21:23 on dlcompare.fr
    Un mmo qui ma l'air intéressant en tant que fan de Skyrim (+ 1000h) pour autant les retours sur ce mmo sont étônament négatifs voir tristement , peut être que faire payer le jeux plus un abonnement est de trop et en plus faire payer des dlc , ils ont tout mis payant ... dommage
    An mmo that looks interesting to me as a Skyrim fan (over 1000h), yet the feedback on this mmo is eternally negative, even sadly so. Perhaps charging for the game plus a subscription is too much, and on top of that charging for dlc, they've made everything pay ... too bad
    Jun 2, 2024, 15:09 on dlcompare.fr
    j'ai fait teso tamriel unlimited et je dois dire que rien ne vaut le bon vieux skyrim ou limite en coop mais en mmo, ya trop de trucs à faire et du coup c'est différent forcément.
    I've played teso tamriel unlimited and I have to say that nothing beats good old skyrim, or even co-op, but as an mmo, there's too much to do and it's obviously different.
    Jun 2, 2024, 02:41 on dlcompare.es
    Gold Road es la próxima expansión del popular MMO The Elder Scrolls Online. Llegará en solo unos meses, traerá una nueva zona, historia y misiones. También se introduce el escriba, un sistema que permite adquirir y modificar habilidades dando aún más libertad y profundidad al juego. Compre solo esta expansión o pague un poco más y obtenga toda la colección TESO con todas las expansiones lanzadas anteriormente, así como esta.
    Gold Road is the next expansion of the popular MMO The Elder Scrolls Online. Arriving in just a few months, it will bring a new zone, story and quests. It also introduces the scribe, a system that allows you to acquire and modify skills giving even more freedom and depth to the game. Buy just this expansion or pay a little more and get the entire TESO collection with all previously released expansions as well as this one.
    May 30, 2024, 22:23 on dlcompare.fr
    Un MMO sympas mais si vous jouez en solo c'est un peu relou... difficile de se faire des amis dans cette commu trop pressée. Donc si vous n'avez pas de bons potes avec qui jouer, évitez. Aussi, ce qui est dommage, c'est qu'on paye le jeu mais on a pas accès à toutes les options d'inventaire etc... pas ouf le système.
    A nice MMO, but if you're playing solo, it's a bit of a drag... hard to make friends in this rushed community. So if you don't have any good buddies to play with, avoid it. Also, it's a shame that you pay for the game, but you don't have access to all the inventory options etc... not a great system.
    6650b9aeb29f2@austin miguel rodriguez santos
    May 29, 2024, 17:02 on dlcompare.es
    Este nuevo capitulo en el mundo de TESO se ve extremadamente emocionante. Lleno de cosas que definitivamente impulsaran a más de uno a investigar, disfrutar y experimentar el juego como nunca. En verdad una excelente forma de celebrar el décimo aniversario del juego!
    This new chapter in the world of TESO looks extremely exciting. Full of things that will definitely drive more than one to investigate, enjoy and experience the game like never before. Truly a great way to celebrate the game's 10th anniversary!
    May 29, 2024, 09:16 on dlcompare.fr
    Ce DLC à l'air génial, ce serait la suite du chapitre Necrom.(Mais pas indispensable) Le prince Daedra ! Des zones en plus. Hâte de partir à l'aventure avec la commu 👌
    This DLC sounds great, it would be the sequel to the Necrom chapter.(But not essential) Prince Daedra! More zones. Can't wait to go on adventures with the commu 👌
    May 28, 2024, 20:14 on dlcompare.es
    En junio llegará la nueva expansión de Elder Scrolls Online, que también cumplirá 10 años este mes de abril. Con un nuevo y nunca antes visto príncipe daédrico en Ithelia, así como en el área de West Weald, la región que alberga la ciudad de Skingrad, apareció anteriormente en TES IV Oblviion, esta vez devastado por las fuerzas del príncipe daédrico.
    June will see the arrival of the new expansion for Elder Scrolls Online, which is also turning 10 years old this April. Featuring a new, never-before-seen Daedric Prince in Ithelia, as well as in the West Weald area, the region that houses the city of Skingrad, previously appeared in TES IV Oblviion, this time devastated by the Daedric Prince's forces.
    May 28, 2024, 20:14 on dlcompare.es
    Gold Road es la próxima expansión del popular MMO The Elder Scrolls Online. Llegará en solo unos meses, traerá una nueva zona, historia y misiones. También se introduce el escriba, un sistema que permite adquirir y modificar habilidades dando aún más libertad y profundidad al juego. Compre solo esta expansión o pague un poco más y obtenga toda la colección TESO con todas las expansiones lanzadas anteriormente, así como esta.
    Gold Road is the next expansion of the popular MMO The Elder Scrolls Online. Arriving in just a few months, it will bring a new zone, story and quests. It also introduces the scribe, a system that allows you to acquire and modify skills giving even more freedom and depth to the game. Buy just this expansion or pay a little more and get the entire TESO collection with all previously released expansions as well as this one.
    May 28, 2024, 20:13 on dlcompare.es
    TESO es un juego que nunca pasará de moda, gracias a la gran cantidad de contenido que viene con el juego. La futura expansión The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road contiene una nueva historia, una nueva región y otros contenidos. Si te gustan los juegos de rol y disfrutaste de TESO anteriormente, esta es una buena decisión. El único inconveniente es el precio, pero vale la pena.
    TESO is a game that will never go out of style, thanks to the large amount of content that comes with the game. The upcoming expansion The Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road contains a new story, a new region and other content. If you like RPGs and enjoyed TESO before, this is a good decision. The only downside is the price, but it's worth it.
    May 28, 2024, 20:12 on dlcompare.es
    El mapa de los pergaminos antiguos es enorme, y con esta expansión, Gold Road, será aún más. Como todas las expansiones, esta agregará otra parte del mapa de Tamriel, West Weald esta vez, junto con muchas misiones, enemigos y lugares bonitos con la arquitectura de área única. Estos DLC completan lentamente todo el mapa, sé que no a todas las personas les gustan los MMO y todavía prefieren la experiencia de un solo jugador.
    The Elder Scrolls map is huge, and with this expansion, Gold Road, it will be even more so. Like all expansions, this one will add another part of the Tamriel map, West Weald this time, along with many quests, enemies and nice places with the unique area architecture. These DLCs slowly complete the whole map, I know not all people like MMOs and still prefer the single player experience.
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    • Technical information

    • Official website : Elder Scrolls Online Gold Road
    • Categories : Action, Adventure, Role-Playing
    • Editor : Bethesda Softworks
    • Developer : Zenimax Online Studios
    • Mode(s) : Multiplayer, Co-op
    • Release date : June 3, 2024
    • System Requirements
      • Recommended
      • CPU : Intel Core i5 2300 or AMD FX4350
      • RAM : 8 GB
      • GPU : GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon RX 570
      • Storage : 105 GB
    • Age Rating
    • PEGI 18
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