Buy Helldivers 2 at the Best Price

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Helldivers 2 is the action-packed sequel to the popular sci-fi adventure game. This critically acclaimed game brings even more explosive gameplay and thrilling action sequences. Set thousands of years in the future, you and your squad of Helldivers must venture to distant galaxies to face off against dangerous enemies. Prepare for intense combat with ruthless aliens and vicious robotic foes as you explore a variety of intergalactic environments.

This innovative game has been praised for its unique and exciting gameplay. Enjoy an exciting campaign mode with a branching storyline and find yourself immersed in a mysterious and thrilling universe. Upgrade your character to unlock special abilities and use powerful weapons and tactical maneuvers against the enemy. You can also play with up to three friends to create an ultimate battle squad!

Experience a variety of visually stunning worlds, with a stunning color palette and high-quality textures and visuals. The game’s realistic physics engine helps bring these worlds to life, allowing for dynamic combat and interactions. You can also customize your character with detailed armor and weapons, giving you an edge in battle.

If you are looking for an intense warfare experience set in the outer reaches of the galaxy Helldivers 2 is your game.

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(*) The best price is currently £14.21. We discovered this product available from 24 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & Sony PSN on 2 platforms - PC & PS5. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 82 digital offers. and 4 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 75 comments already shared.

Comments on Helldivers 2
Mar 19, 2024, 15:10 on
Game khá cuốn và cũng vui khi chơi với bạn. Nếu bạn thực sự cần 1 con game hardcore bắn quái đi nv thì nên thử còn game này hoặc đơn giản bạn và bạn bè bạn cần thư giãn sau những ngày làm việc căng thẳng thì ngại gì mà không thử game này chứ hả!!!
The game is quite engaging and fun to play with friends. If you really need a hardcore monster shooting game, you should try this game or if you and your friends simply need to relax after stressful working days, why not try this game!!!
Feb 25, 2024, 16:10 on
Un meilleur jeu Starship Troopers que n'importe quel jeu officiel Starship Troopers. Et probablement un des meilleurs jeux de cette année, quand ils auront réglé les bugs de serveurs/matchmaking.
A better Starship Troopers game than any official Starship Troopers game, and probably one of the best games of this year, once they've sorted out the server/matchmaking bugs.
Feb 21, 2024, 16:48 on
Soy un Helldiver. He luchado en countless batallas contra hordas alienígenas, he visto compañeros caer y he saboreado la amarga victoria. Helldivers 2 no es para los débiles de corazón. Es un juego desafiante, frustrante a veces, pero también increíblemente gratificante.
I am a Helldiver. I have fought countless battles against alien hordes, seen comrades fall and tasted bitter victory. Helldivers 2 is not for the faint of heart. It's a challenging game, frustrating at times, but also incredibly rewarding.
Feb 21, 2024, 08:14 on
Ce jeu à l'air d'être du fun à l'état pure mais surtout en coopération, je pense, car, seul le fun doit moins être présent. Satirique au possible, bourré d'action aux stéroides, comparable au bon vieux film "starship troopers". Et le mieux dans tout ça c'est que pour une fois c'est pas bourré de micro transactions agressives qui fait pleurer la carte bleu.
This game looks like pure fun, but I think it's best played cooperatively, as only the fun should be less. Satirical as can be, action-packed on steroids, comparable to the good old "starship troopers" movie. And best of all, for once it's not full of aggressive micro-transactions that make your credit card cry.
Feb 20, 2024, 23:30 on
Giocai il primo capitolo su PS e non era affatto male. Questo nuovo capitolo sembra una versione sotto steroidi, migliorata sotto tutti i punti di vista. Non mancherò di provarlo appena possiboli
I played the first chapter on PS and it was not bad at all. This new chapter seems like a version on steroids, improved in every way. I will not fail to try it as soon as I can
Feb 20, 2024, 12:20 on
Game khá cuốn và cũng vui khi chơi với bạn. Nếu bạn thực sự cần 1 con game hardcore bắn quái đi nv thì nên thử còn game này hoặc đơn giản bạn và bạn bè bạn cần thư giãn sau những ngày làm việc căng thẳng thì ngại gì mà không thử game này chứ hả!!!
The game is quite engaging and fun to play with friends. If you really need a hardcore monster shooting game, you should try this game or if you and your friends simply need to relax after stressful working days, why not try this game!!!
Feb 20, 2024, 08:45 on
Je n'ai pas encore mis les mains dessus avec des amis mais comme plusieurs personnes "connues" et de par moi-même, il n'y a que des jeux coop' à 4 joueurs permettant de rendre l'action chaotique (ex: Lethal Company) qui me semble intéressant à mon avis ! Ça a largement l'air d'être le cas pour Helldivers 2 donc je dirais de foncez sur celui-ci
I haven't yet got my hands on it with friends, but like several "well-known" people and myself, it's only the 4-player co-op games that make the action chaotic (e.g. Lethal Company) that seem interesting to me! Helldivers 2 certainly looks like it, so I'd say go for it!
Feb 19, 2024, 17:07 on
Helldivers 2, una exclusiva para Sony, es tremendamente prometedora debido a su logrado estudio y al éxito de su predecesor, lo que la convierte en una opción atractiva para los fanáticos de los juegos de disparos. Con gráficos notablemente mejorados y un cambio a una perspectiva de cámara detrás del hombro, la secuela representa una mejora sustancial con respecto al juego inicial.
Helldivers 2, a Sony exclusive, shows tremendous promise due to its successful studio and the success of its predecessor, making it an attractive option for shooter fans. With noticeably improved graphics and a switch to a behind-the-shoulder camera perspective, the sequel represents a substantial improvement over the initial game.
Feb 19, 2024, 16:24 on
Un jeu franchement sympa avec un gameplay simple et fun malheureusement il est victime de son succès et le suivi laisse à désirer, on est actuellement à plus d'une semaine après le lancement et même après plusieurs patchs les serveurs sont toujours en galère et les devs n'arrivent pas à corriger tous les problèmes.
A really nice game with simple, fun gameplay, unfortunately it's a victim of its own success and the follow-up leaves something to be desired. We're currently more than a week after launch and even after several patches, the servers are still struggling and the devs can't fix all the problems.
Feb 19, 2024, 15:53 on
vu le nombre de joueurs en simultanée sur Steam, je pense que le jeu est ultra apprécier par la commu. Après mon avis perso, de ce que j'ai vue. Le jeu a l'air incroyable, bien défoulant, très beau visuellement, de bel explosion... Magnifique
Given the number of simultaneous players on Steam, I think the game is ultra appreciated by the commu. After my personal opinion, from what I've seen. The game looks incredible, great fun, very beautiful visually, beautiful explosions... Wonderful
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  • Technical information

  • Categories : Action
  • Editor : PlayStation Publishing LLC
  • Developer : Arrowhead Game Studios
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Co-op
  • Release date : February 8, 2024
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Core i7-9700K / Ryzen 7 3700X
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce RTX 2060 / Radeon RX 6600XT
    • Storage : 100 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18
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