Buy Total War: PHARAOH at the Best Price

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Creative Assembly returns with a new installment in its iconic strategy video game series. Total War: PHARAOH pits you against the woes of history with the sands of Ancient Egypt as a scenario. With its exclusive combination of massive real-time battles and turn-based strategy mechanics, the game delivers a new and exciting experience where you aim to stand above your peers and become Egypt's last great Pharaoh. Control the divine powers of a God on Earth and drive your people to the glory in this epic adventure as the successor of the great Pharaoh Merneptah.

Choose from several leaders, each with their own benefits and playstyle, and build up your influence as you try to control the lands of Egypt, Canaan, and Anatolia. The game represents the cultures and lands of the region with historical accuracy and will let you discover many aspects of the ways of living as they were back in the day.

Whether you choose to lean towards diplomacy or warfare, you will need to develop a solid economy to fund your domination efforts. Total War: PHARAOH features a new customization system that lets you modify the game so two campaigns are never the same.

Total War: PHARAOH is a great strategy experience, albeit less massive than its predecessors in the series. From exciting battles with loads of units to intricate strategy mechanics, the game features everything needed to deliver an authentic Total War experience.

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  • The Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack
  • The Heart of the Shardana cosmetic pack contains
  • Early Access Weekend
  • Faction Pack DLC 1
  • Digital Soundtrack
  • The Avatar of the Gods Cosmetic Pack
  • The Heart of the Shardana cosmetic pack contains
  • Early Access Weekend
  • Faction Pack DLC 1
  • Faction Pack DLC 2
  • Faction Pack DLC 3
  • Campaign Pack DLC
  • Digital Soundtrack
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(*) The best price is currently £3.62. We discovered this product available from 20 vendors supporting 2 DRM systems: Steam & Epic Games on PC. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 53 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 41 comments already shared.

Comments on Total War: PHARAOH

Oct 14, 2023, 10:47 on
Du peu que j'ai vu ca a l'air super avec des graphismes a couper les soufles et une époque plus que riche en histoire
From what little I've seen, it looks great, with breathtaking graphics and an era rich in history.
Oct 14, 2023, 09:46 on
Ce nouveau Total War nous plonge en Egypte ce qui est très intéressant et le rendu graphique est particulièrement bien réussi. Très bon jeu de stratégie je vous le conseille.
This new Total War immerses us in Egypt, which is very interesting, and the graphics are particularly well done. A very good strategy game, I recommend it.
Oct 14, 2023, 02:54 on
A nouveau Total War, nouvel univers, nouvelles batailles épiques ! J’avoue être encore trop occupé sur le TW:W3 pour me tourner vers un autre mais si les reviews sont bonnes à sa sortie, il fera surement parti de mes achats futurs héhé !
A new Total War, a new universe, new epic battles! I admit I'm still too busy on TW:W3 to turn to another one, but if the reviews are good when it's released, it'll surely be one of my future purchases, hehe!
Oct 13, 2023, 23:44 on
Pour moi ces jeux là sont juste des skins sur un vieux jeu. Un peu comme un fifa, mais en mieux déjà. Cette soupe là ne me dit plus rien depuis longtemps mais bon si on est client, aucun doute que ce sera une bonne soupe
For me, these games are just skins on an old game. A bit like fifa, but better. This soup hasn't appealed to me for a long time, but if you're a customer, there's no doubt it'll be a good soup.
Oct 13, 2023, 23:03 on
¡Total War PHARAOH es pura felicidad de juegos de estrategia! Ya estoy enganchado, construyendo mi imperio en el antiguo Egipto. La atención a los detalles históricos es alucinante y las batallas son épicas. No puedo esperar para conquistar el Nilo
Total War PHARAOH is pure strategy game bliss! I'm already hooked, building my empire in ancient Egypt. The attention to historical detail is mind-blowing and the battles are epic. I can't wait to conquer the Nile!
Oct 13, 2023, 23:00 on
Nueva entrega de los aclamados juegos de estrategia Total War, esta vez es un juego histórico en la region de Egipto, con muchas mecánicas ya conocidas y otras nuevas que como siempre hacen cada juego diferente a los anteriores. En este caso tenemos cambios de clima durante las batallas, vuelven las posturas de las unidades, incluido que avancen atacando, las flechas de fuego, y toda la nueva parte política de influencias para llegar tener suficiente legitimidad para a ser el nuevo Faraón.
New installment of the acclaimed strategy games Total War, this time is a historical game in the region of Egypt, with many mechanics already known and other new ones that as always make each game different from the previous ones. In this case we have changes of climate during the battles, the postures of the units return, including that they advance attacking, the arrows of fire, and all the new political part of influences to arrive to have enough legitimacy to be the new Pharaoh.
Oct 13, 2023, 22:55 on
Los total war siempre han sido juegos de muy buena calidad. Espero esta entrega sea igual. Desde joven me encantan los juegos de estrategia por diferentes que sean. Creo que es una ventaja de jugar en PC, que podemos experimentar este tipo de juegos con mayor movilidad que un usuario de consola,
Total War has always been a very good quality game. I hope this release will be the same. Since I was young I love strategy games no matter how different they are. I think it is an advantage of playing on PC, that we can experience this kind of games with more mobility than a console user,
SG Courtois
Oct 13, 2023, 17:53 on
On se sent un peu perdu au début face à l'avalanche de nouveautés, de caractéristiques, de bonus et de malus dont il faut prendre en compte pour tout et n'importe quoi. Néanmoins cette difficulté reste passagère et le titre est très jouable, et surtout bien plus personnalisable que ses aînés, ce qui est toujours un plus.
At first, you'll feel a little lost when faced with the avalanche of new features, characteristics, bonuses and maluses that have to be taken into account for everything and anything. Nevertheless, this difficulty is temporary, and the title is very playable, and above all far more customizable than its predecessors, which is always a plus.
Oct 16, 2023, 10:52 on
Se trata de un título de estrategia muy completo y entretenido, que recrea con fidelidad y detalle el antiguo Egipto y sus conflictos históricos. Me ha gustado especialmente la variedad de escenarios, unidades y mecánicas que ofrece, así como la ambientación y el diseño artístico. Creo que es un juego que gustará tanto a los fans de la saga Total War como a los interesados en la historia y la cultura egipcia.
It is a very complete and entertaining strategy title, which faithfully and in detail recreates ancient Egypt and its historical conflicts. I especially liked the variety of scenarios, units and mechanics offered, as well as the atmosphere and artistic design. I think it is a game that will appeal to fans of the Total War saga as well as to those interested in Egyptian history and culture.
Oct 16, 2023, 00:33 on
Hâte de voir ce que peut donner ce nouveau jeu multijoueur ! Très tentant pour se détendre entre amis
Can't wait to see what this new multiplayer game has to offer! Very tempting for relaxing with friends
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Total War PHARAOH
  • Categories : Action, Strategy, Real-Time Strategy, Turn-Based
  • Editor : Sega
  • Developer : Creative Assembly
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : October 11, 2023
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Intel i5-6600/Ryzen 5 2600X
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 1660 Ti / AMD RX 480
    • Storage : 50 GB
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