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Battlefield 2042

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    Battlefield 2042 includes all the features that have contributed to making Battlefield one of the most popular first-person shooting video game series. It offers you massive battles where you can put your tactical skills, aim, and reaction times to the test against many players, with realistic scenarios that you can destroy as you please and a unique approach to the action.

    Battlefield 2042 marks the return to the iconic all-out warfare of the Battlefield franchise. It is set in 2042 during a major conflict between the USA and Russia. This first-person shooter features futuristic weapons, gadgets like deployable turrets and drones, and vehicles usable by the players. The game includes a new "Plus" system, which allows players to customize their weapons on the spot. Battlefield 2042 includes a wide variety of scenarios, all of them featuring destructible environments and dynamic weather with effects like sandstorms and tornadoes that will affect visibility or lift players, for instance. 

    The game features several gameplay modes and has doubled the player count from previous games in the series. Conquest and Breakthrough offer massive battles and a unique experience for up to 128 players on PC and next-gen consoles, and 64 players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. At the same time, those that want to enjoy a new type of gameplay will find themselves at home with Hazard Zone, a modern take on squad-based multiplayer.



    Conquest features all-out battles in huge maps that have been specifically designed for this. The action is divided into "clusters" of various kinds where two factions combat against each other to capture control points; once the control points in a sector are captured, the faction will control said sector.

    Breakthrough sees the return of two teams, Attackers and Defenders in maps where one team must try to capture another team's control points. The defending team must prevent that at all costs. A vast battlefield allows for more tactical choices through each game.

    Both modes will be playable across seven different maps that will take players to a variety of locations all over the world, including South Korea, Singapore, French Guiana, India, Egypt, and Antarctica. Each of them will feature different objectives and scenarios, ranging from controlling an important network hub or a technology center to recovering stolen nuclear assets.

    Battlefield Portal adds even more possibilities to the game with community-created game modes and endless options to customize weapons, gear, rules, and more in this creative sandbox mode. Replay classic experiences with select content from Battlefield 1942 (Battle of the Bulge and El Alamein), Battlefield 3 (Caspian Border and Noshahr Canals), and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Africa Harbor and Valparaiso), or leverage the modern content from the world of Battlefield 2042 to discover, create, and share something completely new.

    Battlefield 2042 overhauls the class system by adding ten different "specialists" at launch, with a new one released each season and four seasons per year. They will use various gadgets in combat to perform specific roles and add another layer of strategic complexity to the game.

    Some good examples of these include the following:



    Kimble "Irish" Graves uses the DCS Deployable Cover to protect his allies, and his APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel can take down enemy explosive projectiles before they can cause any harm.



    Wikus "Casper" Van Daele. This South African operator specializes in reconnaissance with an OV-P Recon Drone and is able to detect people sneaking nearby with a movement sensor.



    Webster Mackay is a nimble Canadian operator specialized in assaults and able to break in from unexpected positions thanks to his grappling hook.



    Maria Falck is a German operator whose S21 Syrette Pistol allows her to treat injured allies and revive them to full health from a distance.



    Pyotr "Boris" Guskovsky is a Russian engineer that can deploy an SG-36 Sentry Gun and boost its performance when he is close.

    Players can also take part in seasonal events with each season introducing new content such as maps, weapons, gadgets, vehicles, and more. Battlefield 2042 offers an exciting experience for both veteran Battlefield fans as well as newcomers alike with its expansive maps, intense battles, cutting-edge arsenal of weapons and vehicles, seasonal updates, and much more!

    Best deals for BF 2042

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    Use your activation code to download the game from EA App.

    Use your key on Epic Games launcher to download your game

    Use your PS5 code on the Playstation Network.

    Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

    Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

    Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

    Download your product on the Windows 10/Microsoft store

    Gold + 

    • Midnight Ultimate Bundle ("Shadow Stalker" Legendary Outfit, "Obsidian" Legendary Weapon Skin, "Onyx" Legendary Vehicle Skin)
    • Official digital artbook & Exclusive digital soundtrack
    • Cross-Gen Bundle
    • Base game +
    • Year 1 Pass: 4 New Specialists (1 per Season), 4 Battle Passes (1 per Season), and 3 Epic Skin Bundles (”Blistered Earth”, ”Tempest”, and ”Cold Blood”)

    (*) The best price is currently £2.40. We discovered this product available from 23 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Steam, Xbox Live, Sony PSN, Epic Games, EA app & Windows on 5 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 5 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 223 digital offers. and 15 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 90 comments already shared.

    Comments on Battlefield 2042

    Mar 1, 2022, 14:06 on dlcompare.fr
    J'avais beaucoup aimer le jeux lors de la beta. Mais je n'ai pas pu l'acheter. Après tout les retour négatifs du jeux lors de sa sortie, je suis un peu content de ne pas l'avoir acheté
    I really liked the game during the beta. But I couldn't buy it. After all the negative feedback of the game at the time of its release, I'm a bit glad I didn't buy it
    Jan 1, 2022, 02:17 on dlcompare.fr
    Pour le coup, ça a été ma déception de 2021, j'avais eu beaucoup d'espoirs et je pense que ça m'a desservi. Cela dit le jeu est pas non plus mauvais mais en l'état, mieux vaut passer son chemin
    For the time being, it was my disappointment of 2021, I had a lot of hopes and I think that it did me a disservice. That said, the game is not bad either, but as it is, it's better to skip it
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    Dec 18, 2021, 06:43 on dlcompare.fr
    J'ai réussis à essayer Battlefield 2042, je le trouve vraiment très bien comme jeux, je ne comprend pas les évaluations sur steam.
    I managed to try Battlefield 2042, I find it really good as a game, I do not understand the reviews on steam.
    Nov 25, 2021, 15:39 on dlcompare.fr
    J'espère que les patchs seront à la hauteur pour que le jeu ne soit pas désert dès la première année et que l'on puisse passer de très belles années encore sur les battlefield
    I hope that the patches will be up to the task so that the game will not be deserted from the first year and that we can spend many more beautiful years on the battlefield
    Nov 24, 2021, 00:08 on dlcompare.fr
    Très bon Battlefield, quand même dans l'attente de quelques patchs contre certains bugs, et surtout l'optimisation graphique !
    Very good Battlefield, still waiting for some patches against some bugs, and especially the graphic optimization!
    Nov 20, 2021, 19:26 on dlcompare.fr
    Le jeu est graphiquement au top, le contenue et au rendez-vous que demander de mieux ?
    The game is graphically at the top, the content and the appointment what to ask for better?
    Nov 19, 2021, 21:57 on dlcompare.fr
    Graphiquement plutôt bien, map intéressante et nombreuse possibilité. Mais cela reste un simple Battlefield à mes yeux.
    Graphically quite good, interesting map and many possibilities. But it remains a simple Battlefield in my eyes.
    Nov 19, 2021, 19:40 on dlcompare.fr
    J'apprécie les innovations au niveau du gameplay pour améliorer l'expérience du joueur, mais cela reste néanmoins assez traditionnel comme Battlefied, rien de très novateur en terme de gamemodes par exemple. Cela dit, le jeu est sympa.
    I appreciate the innovations in the gameplay to improve the player's experience, but it remains quite traditional like Battlefied, nothing very innovative in terms of gamemodes for example. That said, the game is nice.
    Nov 17, 2021, 07:59 on dlcompare.fr
    En l’état, Battlefield 2042 est un ersatz de Battlefield. Pas beau, mal fini et simplifié à l’extrême, il ne propose que de gros combats chaotiques à 128 joueurs sans la moindre profondeur. Si cela peut satisfaire les moins exigeants, les autres peuvent rester sur les opus précédents : il n’y a rien à voir ici qui n’ait pas été fait en mieux auparavant. Seul son créatif mode Portal pourrait éventuellement apporter quelque chose d’intéressant, à condition que des créateurs s’en emparent...
    As it stands, Battlefield 2042 is an ersatz Battlefield. Not beautiful, poorly finished and oversimplified, it only offers big chaotic battles with 128 players without any depth. If this can satisfy the less demanding, the others can stay with the previous opuses: there is nothing to see here that hasn't been done better before. Only its creative Portal mode could possibly bring something interesting, provided that some creators get hold of it...
    Nov 17, 2021, 06:53 on dlcompare.fr
    D'après les vidéos que j'ai plus voir la sensation de gunfight à l'air terrible mais, j'espère qu'ils vont mettre un patch pour corriger les divers problèmes et aussi ajouter de la destruction de batiment avec les chars, car, c'est ce qui fait la force de battlefield.
    From the videos I have seen the gunfight feeling looks terrible but, I hope they will put a patch to fix the various problems and also add building destruction with tanks, because, that's what makes the strength of battlefield.
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