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    Last Epoch is an exciting action RPG set in the world of Eterra, a place populated by many factions and full of secrets. Embark in an epic adventure that will take you across the world and through time as you discover the story of Eterra in this game reminiscent of titles like Lost Ark and Diablo.

    The level of character customization featured in Last Epoch is astounding. You start your journey as a base class, but you can specialize and choose from several mastery classes as you progress through the game. Each of them has access to skill trees where you can unlock plenty of abilities and passives to enhance your character's capabilities in combat. The game features more than 100 different skill trees that grant you new powers and can completely change your gameplay style. 

    Last Epoch features a randomized loot system that will have you constantly looking for upgrades to craft the perfect piece of equipment. Find legendary sets of items and unlock special powers that will take your gameplay to a new level. You can also unlock plenty of cosmetic options to customize your character and create the hero of your dreams.

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    Best deals for Last Epoch

    Use your CD key on Steam.

    • 50 Epoch Points (EP)
    • Adolescent Chronowyrm - Cosmetic Pet
    • Fallen Ronin - Cosmetic Armor Set
    • Firefly’s Refuge - Cosmetic Portal
    • Full Original Digital Soundtrack (OST)*
    • Last Epoch - 100 Epoch Points (EP)
    • Last Epoch - Adolescent Chronowyrm - Cosmetic Pet
    • Last Epoch - Fallen Ronin - Cosmetic Armor Set
    • Last Epoch - Firefly’s Refuge - Cosmetic Portal
    • Last Epoch - Temporal Guardian - Cosmetic Armor Set
    • Last Epoch - Twilight Fox - Cosmetic Pet
    • Last Epoch - Adult Chronowyrm - Cosmetic Pet
    • Last Epoch - Celestial Way - Cosmetic Portal
    • Last Epoch - Full Original Digital Soundtrack (OST)*

    (*) The best price is currently £11.02. We discovered this product available from 14 vendors supporting Steam on PC. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 52 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 34 comments already shared.

    Comments on Last Epoch

    Master Loulou
    Mar 7, 2024, 04:04 on
    Très bien Last epoch est un jeu très intéressant avec un bon système de build et graphiquement bon, je trouve le jeu très fun à jouer.
    Very good Last epoch is a very interesting game with a good build system and graphically good, I find the game very fun to play.
    Mar 5, 2024, 08:02 on
    Malgré un début difficile avec des problèmes de serveur le jeu est vraiment bien il propose un choix varié pour monter son personnage et il est fun à jouer et surtout il reste abordable pas comme ces AAA à 70€.
    Despite a difficult start with server problems, the game is really good, it offers a varied choice for building your character, it's fun to play and, above all, it's affordable, unlike those €70 AAA games.
    Mar 5, 2024, 02:13 on
    Plutôt fan du genre ici, j'ai beaucoup apprécié ce jeu. Moins difficile à appréhender qu'un POE (ils le savent et c'est bien pour ça qu'ils sortiront un 2), et plus intéressant que D4 (qui disons le, est une astro bouse), pour la moitié du prix. Le jeu a souffert de quelques problèmes de serveur au début, mais ça semble déjà mieux jouable. Il existe une liberté appréciable pour la création de build. Pour le reste, c'est du bourinage, on aime ou non.
    Rather a fan of the genre here, I really enjoyed this game. Less difficult to get to grips with than a POE (they know this, and that's why they're releasing a 2), and more interesting than D4 (which, let's face it, is an astro dreck), for half the price. The game suffered from a few server problems at the start, but it's already looking more playable. There's appreciable freedom for build creation. As for the rest, it's all stuff, whether you like it or not.
    Mar 4, 2024, 22:52 on
    Un jeu que j'aimerai beaucoup faire avec des potes, mais faute de moyen, il me reste que mes yeux pour pleurer... De plus, je trouve que pour le petit prix du jeux, il a vraiment un potentiels pour trouver des joueurs et durée dans le temps.
    A game I'd love to play with friends, but lacking the means to do so, I'm left with only my eyes to cry over... What's more, I find that for the low price of the game, it really has the potential to find players and last over time.
    Mar 4, 2024, 17:54 on
    Très bon jeu pour un début, bien évidemment il ne propose la tonne de contenu que Path of Exile a, ce qui est logique au vu du nombre d'années de dév' et contenus que PoE a reçu depuis sa sortie. Last Epoch est plutôt accessible dans l'ensemble même si certains points mériteraient quelques explications plus claires. Les serveurs sont maintenant stables ou du moins, permettent de jouer sans vraiment de problème majeurs
    A very good game for a debut, it obviously doesn't offer the ton of content that Path of Exile does, which makes sense given the number of years of development and content that PoE has received since its release. On the whole, Last Epoch is rather accessible, even if certain points could do with a few clearer explanations. The servers are now stable, or at least can be played without any major problems.
    Mar 4, 2024, 17:43 on
    No he jugado a este juego, pero parece ser, sin embargo, otro clon de Diablo. He jugado muchos de estos títulos de RPG de acción, y solo algunos me han sorprendido. En Steam esto tiene una calificación superior al 80%, así que seguro, ¿es mejor que Diablo 4? Según Steam, sí, por un amplio margen, y existe desde 2019 y sigue actualizado. ¡Lo comprobaré!
    I haven't played this game, but it seems to be, however, another Diablo clone. I've played many of these action RPG titles, and only a few have surprised me. On Steam this has a rating over 80%, so sure, is it better than Diablo 4? According to Steam, yes, by a wide margin, and it's been around since 2019 and is still up to date. i'll check it out!
    Mar 4, 2024, 17:42 on
    Hasta ahora, este juego es todo lo que quieres en un ARPG. Cualquier queja que hayas tenido en el pasado sobre los demás, se convertirá rápidamente en un recuerdo lejano a medida que te sumerjas en la naturaleza robusta de Last Epoch. Donde otros son unidimensionales, este ARPG tiene profundidad, hasta la información sobre herramientas. Desde la variedad de construcción de clases, las habilidades únicas, la mecánica, los sistemas hasta la calidad de vida, es un juego bien pensado pensando en el
    So far, this game is everything you want in an ARPG. Any complaints you may have had in the past about others will quickly become a distant memory as you immerse yourself in the robust nature of Last Epoch. Where others are one-dimensional, this ARPG has depth, right down to the tooltips. From the variety of class building, unique abilities, mechanics, systems to the quality of life, it's a game well thought out with the
    Mar 4, 2024, 17:41 on
    Last Epoch es un nuevo juego de rol de acción con vista de arriba hacia abajo del estudio independiente de Eleventh Hour Games. Con un sistema bastante conservador, los requisitos combinados con un precio reducido, han permitido a Last Epoch captar el interés de muchos jugadores. Además de una jugabilidad bastante divertida gracias a las 15 clases de maestría, más de 120 habilidades, un sistema de artesanía y toneladas de equipo disponibles a través del sistema de botín. Una versión simple del g
    Last Epoch is a new top-down view action RPG from indie studio Eleventh Hour Games. With a rather conservative system, the requirements combined with a reduced price, have allowed Last Epoch to capture the interest of many players. In addition to quite fun gameplay thanks to 15 mastery classes, over 120 skills, a crafting system and tons of gear available through the loot system. A simple version of the g
    Mar 4, 2024, 17:25 on
    Last Epoch è un bellissimo e degno gioco hack and slash, che è diventato rapidamente popolare al momento della sua uscita. Se ti piacciono i giochi di ruolo, probabilmente ti piacerà questo titolo e ci dedicherai anche infinite ore. È importante notare che il gioco sembra essere ancora più popolare di Diablo 4... il che lo rende degno di essere provato! ...
    Last Epoch is a beautiful and fine hack and slash game, which has quickly become popular at the time of its release. If you like role-playing games, you will probably like this title and you will dedicate an infinite number of hours to it. It is important to note that the game seems to be even more popular than Diablo 4... which makes it worth trying! ...
    Mar 11, 2024, 10:47 on
    Jeu intéressant, achat prévu prochainement car très prometteur
    Interesting game, plan to buy soon as it looks very promising.
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