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The story of the fan-favorite anime series continues in Disgaea 4 Complete+. The leaders of Hades have been revealed as corrupt, and the vampire Valvatorez sparks a rebellion to strike them down. After discovering that the Prinnies that he has been diligently training for years are to be executed he becomes the leader of an unorthodox cast of demons, werewolves, zombies, ghosts, and other beings that populate the Netherworld, and revolt against the established government and try to change the rules for the Prinnies and save them from mass extermination.
Disgaea 4 Complete+ is a strategy role-playing game that follows the steps of its predecessors. This version comes with a variety of bonus contents that include all the additional scenarios, characters, and DLC ever released for the title.
Disgaea 4 Complete+
The story of the fan-favorite anime series continues in Disgaea 4 Complete+. The leaders of Hades have been revealed as corrupt, and the vampire Valvatorez sparks a rebellion to strike them down. After discovering that the Prinnies that he has been diligently training for years are to be executed he becomes the leader of an unorthodox cast of demons, werewolves, zombies, ghosts, and other beings that populate the Netherworld, and revolt against the established government and try to change the rules for the Prinnies and save them from mass extermination.
Disgaea 4 Complete+ is a strategy role-playing game that follows the steps of its predecessors. This version comes with a variety of bonus contents that include all the additional scenarios, characters, and DLC ever released for the title.
(*) The best price is currently £7.36. We discovered this product available from 17 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Steam, Nintendo eShop & Sony PSN on 3 platforms - PC, PS4 & Switch. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 29 digital offers. and 2 prices for the physical version.
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