Buy NBA 2K20 at the Best Price

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When we talk about basketball video games, we talk about the long-running NBA 2K series. The best basketball simulation is back this year with NBA 2K20 to offer you the most realistic sports experience. This new installment features key gameplay enhancements including upgraded AI and motion engine, improved ball handling, better reactions on defense and enhanced rim protection, as well as an improved MyGM Mode and a few surprises.

NBA 2K20 is the first game in the series to include the WNBA. It features all 12 WNBA teams, which will be playable on Play Now and Season modes. More than 140 new players will be at your disposal, with specific AI, playbooks and defensive schemes for each WNBA team.

There are three different NBA 2K20 editions:

Standard Edition comes with the base game.

Digital Deluxe Edition features Anthony Davis on the cover, and it includes the base game, virtual currency, and points, skill boost and Packs for MyTEAM and MyCAREER.

Dwyane Wade appears on the cover of the Legends Edition, which comes with more of everything included in the Digital Deluxe Edition and even more customization options for MyPLAYER.

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Best deals for NBA 2K20

Use your CD key on Steam.

Download your game on Switch with the Nintendo eShop

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

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(*) The best price is currently £1.85. We discovered this product available from 12 vendors supporting 4 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Nintendo eShop, Sony PSN & Steam on 5 platforms - PC, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 47 digital offers. and 1 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 7 comments already shared.

Comments on NBA 2K20

Sep 7, 2019, 12:23 on
que creéis que soy pobre y no puedo permitirme 30 euros? me voy a comprar 2
You think I'm poor and can't afford 30 euros? I'm going to buy 2.
Sep 6, 2019, 16:36 on
Me encantaría ganar esté juego porque soy fan de la NBA desde pequeño, siempre me ha gustado ver el baloncesto y jugarlo. Todos en la escuela queriendo ser Jordan, Kobe, O´Neal que buenos tiempos y que recuerdos me trae de niño. Por eso me gustaría jugar a esté juego para sentir lo que una vez sentí de niño de nuevo. Esa ilusión que sigo sintiendo cada vez que veo un partido de NBA.
I would love to win this game because I've been an NBA fan since I was a kid, I've always loved watching basketball and playing it. Everyone in school wanting to be Jordan, Kobe, O'Neal what a great time and what memories it brings back to me as a kid. That's why I would like to play this game to feel what I once felt as a kid again. That illusion that I still feel every time I watch an NBA game.
Sep 4, 2019, 19:02 on
El mejor juego de baloncesto vuelve otro año mas en el que no tiene competencia. Espero que cambien la política de micropagos de los últimos años, pese a eso es un juego brutal tanto a nivel gráfico como jugable!
The best basketball game returns another year in which it has no competition. I hope they change the micropayment policy of recent years, despite that it is a brutal game both graphically and playable!
Sep 4, 2019, 01:24 on
Cette saison NBA va être folle avec tous les trades de cette année. La compétition ne se jouera pas entre seulement deux équipes et c'est tant mieux ! Et c'est aussi ce qui me tente de reprendre NBA 2K. Cela fait 2 ans que je n'y ai plus joué alors que c'était mon MUST de l'époque !
This NBA season is going to be crazy with all the trades this year. The competition will not be between only two teams and that's good! And that's also what makes me want to play NBA 2K again. It's been 2 years since I played it and it was my MUST at the time!
Sep 2, 2019, 19:24 on
j'aimerais tellement joué a NBA pcq ca me rappelle les époques ou je regardé l'animé kuroko no basket et jaime beaucoup le basketball
I would love to play NBA because it reminds me of the times when I watched the anime Kuroko no basketball and I love basketball.
Sep 2, 2019, 03:26 on
J'aimerais tellement l'avoir ça me manque le dernier NBA auquel j'ai jouer étais le 2k14 en effet entre temps je me contentais de regarder parla vitrine les versions du jeux, j'ai fais l’acquisition d'un nouveau pc et clairement au vu des nouveauté ce NBA me tente clairement. Entre temps j'ai quand commencé le basket grâce au bon vieux Nba2k14 donc revenir au source ne ferais pas de mal, clairement je dois rendre la monnaie de sa pièce à cette série de jeu qui m'a intéressée a ce sport.
I would like to have it so much I miss the last NBA I played was 2k14 in fact in the meantime I was content to look through the window versions of the game, I acquired a new PC and clearly in view of the novelty this NBA clearly tempts me. In the meantime I started playing basketball thanks to the good old Nba2k14 so going back to the source wouldn't hurt, clearly I have to give back to this series of games that got me interested in this sport.
Sep 2, 2019, 02:35 on
Grand amateur de basket, chaque année je me sers de votre site pour trouver mon NBA 2K au plus bas prix ! Ayant passé plus de 100h sur les derniers NBA 2K j'espère encore le faire sur celui-ci ! Oh et en faite, NON à Golden States les gars ! En espérant le recevoir ! Merci à vous DL Compare !
As a big basketball fan, every year I use your site to find my NBA 2K at the lowest price! Having spent over 100 hours on the last NBA 2K games, I hope to do it again on this one! Oh and in fact, NO to Golden States guys! Hoping to get it! Thanks to you DL Compare!

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  • Technical information

  • Categories : Simulation, Sports Sim
  • Editor : 2K
  • Developer : Visual Concepts
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : September 5, 2019
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Core i5-4430 / FX-8370
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 770 / Radeon R9 270
    • Storage : 80 GB
  • Age Rating
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