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Planet Zoo is a construction and management simulation video game developed and published by Frontier Developments for PC. The creators of Planet Coaster and Zoo Tycoon bring the ultimate zoo sim, featuring authentic living animals who think, feel and explore the world you create around them. Similar in gameplay to Zoo Tycoon, you will be able to build a zoo with more than 50 animals at release. Create unique habitats and vast landscapes, and release new generations of your animals back into the wild. Your choices come alive in a world where animal welfare and conservation comes first. Planet Zoo is about caring about the animals themselves. The game has inbuilt systems that encourage players to care equally about animal comfort as they do customer enjoyment.

Animals, controlled by artificial intelligence, behave similarly to their real-life counterparts. For instance, wolves adopt a pack mentality. Each species will have its own requirements and needs that you must satisfy.
The game also features a story mode. Each animal has its own genome, which can be modified to change its life expectancy, size, health, and fertility. The game also features a breeding system, and inbreeding, for example, would have negative consequences on the health of the animals. Building the ideal environments and keeping the animals happy affects their ability to reproduce. Not only does that have financial implications for your zoo, but proper conservation is a built-in goal that requires consideration.

The Planet Zoo Deluxe Edition includes the Planet Zoo game plus exclusive Beta Access, three unique animals: Pygmy Hippopotamus, Thomson’s Gazelle and Komodo Dragon, a set of Wallpapers and an original Soundtrack by JJ Ipsen.

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(*) The best price is currently £1.82. We discovered this product available from 24 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Steam, Xbox Live & Sony PSN on 3 platforms - PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 7 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 125 digital offers. and 4 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 18 comments already shared.

Comments on Planet Zoo

Nov 27, 2021, 01:53 on
For me personally, Planet Zoo is a place where you can retire, creating and equipping your own zoo with the best conditions for animals. Beautiful bird's-eye views, rainfall and birds chirping immerse you in this small world, taking you away from worries. Definitely, I recommend this project.
For me personally, Planet Zoo is a place where you can retire, creating and equipping your own zoo with the best conditions for animals. Beautiful bird's-eye views, rainfall and chirping birds immerse you in this small world, taking you away from worries. Definitely, I recommend this project.
Nov 20, 2019, 18:26 on
Coucou , j'adore les planètes et les zoo et encore plus les cougars alors si je pouvais profiter des trois derrière mon PC je vivrais ma meilleure vie . Merci merciiii
Hi, I love planets and zoos and even more cougars so if I could enjoy all three behind my PC I would live my best life. Thank you, thank you!
Nov 20, 2019, 12:30 on
Dopo aver provato Zoo Tycoon, buttarmi su Planet Zoo è una tappa obbligata. Spero di vincere questo concorso per diffondere i bradipi in tutto il pianeta :) Partecipo! :D
After trying Zoo Tycoon, jumping into Planet Zoo is a must. I'm hoping to win this contest to spread sloths across the planet :) I'm participating! :D
Nov 20, 2019, 08:11 on
Me gustaría jugar este jugo, porque construir el mejor zoológico es un reto, no solo para hacer feliz a mi ocio, si no para enriquecer mi creatividad, con ello sentirme orgulloso por mi gestión y capacidad estilistica.
I would like to play this juice, because building the best zoo is a challenge, not only to make my leisure happy, but also to enrich my creativity, thus feeling proud of my management and stylistic skills.
Nov 19, 2019, 17:18 on
Cuando vi el juego en desarrollo lo primero que pensé este juego debe de ser mio. Me encanta, cuando vi el trailer, y vi un hombre aspirando las heces de un hipopótamo, pensé, es genial jajaja necesito tener que administrar heces!! fuera bromas, me parece espectacular, tanto en gráficos como en su gestión interna y me gustaría poder echarle horas y explotarlo al máximo con mi pequeño ordenador. Mi pareja se pondría muy alegre si pudiera jugarlo, en nuestro piso no nos permiten tener mascotas.
When I saw the game in development the first thing I thought this game must be mine. I love it, when I saw the trailer, and I saw a man sucking the feces of a hippopotamus, I thought, it's great hahaha I need to have to manage feces!!! out jokes, I find it spectacular, both in graphics and in its internal management and I would like to throw hours and exploit it to the fullest with my small computer. My partner would be very happy if I could play it, in our apartment we are not allowed to have pets.
Szatkowski Marianine
Nov 17, 2019, 15:14 on
Bonjour, je participe a votre jeux pour gagner le jeu Planet zoo, j'adore créer des bâtiments et je me fie énormément a votre plateforme pour me conseiller mes jeux. Planet zoo me parait être un excellent jeux qui change énormément de ce qu'on a déjà vu. Je trouve ça excellent de mélanger la construction, le management du parc et les animaux! Merci et je croise les doigts !
Hello, I am participating in your game to win the game Planet zoo, I love creating buildings and I rely heavily on your platform to advise me my games. Planet Zoo seems to me to be an excellent game that changes a lot from what we have already seen. I think it's excellent to mix construction, park management and animals! Thank you and I keep my fingers crossed!
Nov 17, 2019, 12:12 on
Un jeu avec des graphismes qui font rêver. Pour gérer mon propre zoo avec des centaines d'espèces animales, le rêve! C'est pourquoi je me dois de participer à ce concours afin de laisser ma science créatif s'exprimer au travers de Planet Zoo.
A game with graphics that make you dream. To manage my own zoo with hundreds of animal species, the dream! That's why I have to participate to this contest to let my creative science express itself through Planet Zoo.
Nov 20, 2019, 18:16 on
Salut, Je participe au concours afin de prouver à ma maman que je suis capable de m'occuper de mes animaux de compagnie (et permettre de mettre en avant mes qualités d'architecte). Merci à vous !
Hi, I'm participating in the contest to prove to my mom that I'm able to take care of my pets (and to showcase my architectural skills). Thanks to you!
Nov 20, 2019, 10:38 on
J'aime beaucoup les animaux ! Particulièrement dans mon assiette !
I love animals! Especially in my plate!
Nov 19, 2019, 22:00 on
Salut DLcompare, PlanetZoo m'attire beaucoup du coup je tente ma chance :)
Hi DLcompare, PlanetZoo attracts me a lot so I try my luck :)
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