Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Buy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare at the Best Price

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is going back to the series' roots. Forget the zombies. Forget the WWII battles. Forget the jetpacks, exo launchers and all the other future weaponry. The game is set to take place in a realistic and modern setting with events that feel "ripped from the headlines" while also bringing back familiar characters from past games in the series like Captain John Price. For the first time in the franchise's history, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will support cross-platform multiplayer. Crossplay is completely opt-in. If you enable it, you'll need to link a Call of Duty account to form a platform-agnostic friends list, not unlike the Epic friends lists in Fortnite. Crossplay is supported in all multiplayer modes except Ranked and competitive tournaments.

Activision has also confirmed that the franchise's traditional season pass had been scrapped, enabling the company to distribute free post-launch content to all players. Killstreak rewards return in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare too. Rewards for uninterrupted killing sprees come in the likes of a care package with juggernaut assault gear, a manned infantry assault tank with a .50 cal machine gun, and an aircraft that sprays the battlefield with white phosphorus to blind and burn enemies.

There have been included six Modern Warfare game modes so far: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Headquarters, Cyber Attack, Realism, and Gunfight. Alongside this, four new maps have been added: Azhir Cave, Hackney Yard, Grazna Raid, and Gun Runner. The game introduces the 2v2 Gunfight mode which pits two teams of two with randomized loadouts against one another on very small maps. The maps are so small that you're expected to kill one another in 40 seconds. There's no reviving or healing in Gunfight. If neither team succeeds, a flag will appear, and one team will need to defend it for three seconds to win the round. The first team to 6 wins the match. It will also have multiplayer, a single-player campaign and the return of Specs Ops co-op mode.

A new system called "gunsmithing" allows you to customize both Primary and Secondary weapons to the type of firepower you like for multiplayer game mode, but it will force you to choose what upgrades you value most. You'll only be able to apply five upgrades to each gun, even though there may be more possible components to customize.

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Best deals for CoD Modern Warfare

Use your CD key on Steam.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

PC  · Steam
discount code -12% :  DLC12
£59.02  £51.94
PC  · Steam
discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
£62.78  £55.25
PC  · Steam
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
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PC  · Steam
Account selling
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discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
£14.88  £13.09
PC  · Steam
Account selling
discount code -5% :  DLC5
£16.88  £16.04
PC  · Steam
Account selling
pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE

(*) The best price is currently £5.13. We discovered this product available from 14 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Sony PSN & Steam on 4 platforms - PC, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 33 digital offers. and 7 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 55 comments already shared.

Comments on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Nov 25, 2019, 21:27 on
Contrairement aux autres, je n'ai nulle besoin de participer pour gagner quoi que ce soit. Il fait déjà parti de mon panier de Noel étant possesseur d'un Sli asus 2080 ti . Franchement , je suis déçu de ce reboot de la première franchise . Certes, les graphismes sont beaux ,mais l'histoire a un gout de déjà vu. J'ai la sensation de refaire un bon en arrière de 6 ans. J'ai pris plus de plaisir à jouer à Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Unlike others, I do not need to participate to win anything. It is already part of my Christmas basket as I own a Sli asus 2080 ti. Frankly, I am disappointed with this reboot of the first franchise. Certainly, the graphics are beautiful, but the story has a taste of déjà vu. I have the feeling to go back 6 years. I took more pleasure to play Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
Nov 18, 2019, 19:50 on
Hi ! Après avoir lu le fait d'avoir l'opportunité de pouvoir obtenir un jeu au choix en y déposant un commentaire, je me décide à poster ce commentaire sous cette bonne franchise qui a l'air d'enfin avoir pris des bonnes décisions pour nous fournir un jeu très qualitatif ! N'ayant pas touché à un COD depuis BO2 il serait vraiment pour moi une excellente expérience de reprendre en main cette licence, d'autant plus que je pourrais en profiter pleinement avec la technologie du RTX !
Hi! After reading about having the opportunity to get a game of your choice by posting a comment, I decided to post this comment under this good franchise that seems to have finally made good decisions to provide us with a very qualitative game! Not having touched a COD since BO2 it would be a great experience for me to play this license again, especially since I could enjoy it fully with the RTX technology!
Nov 13, 2019, 18:12 on
bonjour j’espère jouer en mode solo le graphisme est pas mal un petite code pour ma nouvelle config de gamer CPU 8700k plus GPU 2070 msi :)
hello I hope to play in solo mode the graphics are not bad a little code for my new gamer config CPU 8700k plus GPU 2070 msi :)
Nov 9, 2019, 14:11 on
Bonjour!!! J'ai toujours aimé call of duty je les ai toujours acheté, mais manque de chance je suis dans un appartement et je n'est plus les moyens pour me faire plaisir donc si vous me faites gagner un code clé cela me ferai extrêmement plaisir Merci de votre compréhension, Bonne journée
Hello!!! I have always loved call of duty I have always bought them, but lack of luck I am in an apartment and I can not afford to treat myself so if you make me win a key code it would make me extremely happy Thank you for your understanding, Have a nice day
Nov 3, 2019, 18:57 on
Hello jeunes gens, je souhaite avoir en ma possession ce jeu afin de me distraire lors de mes moments loisirs et, également pouvoir montrer dans le futur à mon enfant le COD qui a enfin changé le moteur graphique qui était tant utilisé depuis plusieurs siècles. Merci à l’écureuil dans mon jardin qui m'a informé de ce concours car sans lui je n'aurais jamais posté ce message. Merci également à dlcompare pour ces propositions de concours. Merci aussi aux personnes qui auront lu mon commentaire!
Hello young people, I wish to have in my possession this game in order to distract me during my free time and, also to be able to show in the future to my child the COD which finally changed the graphic engine which was so much used since several centuries. Thanks to the squirrel in my garden who informed me about this contest because without him I would never have posted this message. Thanks also to dlcompare for these contest proposals. Thanks also to the people who read my comment!
Nov 10, 2023, 00:58 on
Assez déçu de cet opus pour ne pas dire dégoûté, car ils ont reboot l'âge d'or de Call of Duty en étant pas du tout à la hauteur de ceux-ci.
Quite disappointed with this opus, not to say disgusted, because they've rebooted the golden age of Call of Duty by not living up to it at all.
Nov 8, 2023, 23:25 on
Je vais le relancer car j'y ai joué mais il y a longtemps !
I'm going to run it again because I played it a long time ago!
Nov 8, 2023, 23:24 on
Un reboot un po sottotono ma decisamente un passo avanti dal punto di vista grafico. Un buon prodotto per chi vuole rivivere il titolo originale con grafica moderna ma anche per chi si approccia per la prima volta alla serie.
A somewhat underwhelming reboot but definitely a step forward graphically. A good product for those who want to relive the original title with modern graphics but also for those approaching the series for the first time.
Nov 8, 2023, 16:18 on
Je pense que c'est un top jeu. j'adore les call of et celui en fait parti
I think it's a top game. I love call of and this is one of them.
Nov 8, 2023, 15:37 on
C'est marrant, c'est le même jeu, encore et encore, mais on le vend plein pot, et les gens sont content de se faire douiller... sérieux, CoD c'est qu'une usine à fric, c'est une perte de temps alors que des jeux sublimes existent...
It's funny, it's the same game over and over again, but it's sold at full price, and people are happy to get their money's worth... seriously, CoD is just a money factory, it's a waste of time when sublime games exist...
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