Buy Red Dead Redemption 2 at the Best Price

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The creators of the GTA series bring you another incredible open-world adventure, this time set in the Wild West. Red Dead Redemption 2 will take you back to 1899, in a time where a legendary era is coming to an end. You will take the role of Arthur Morgan, an outlaw member of the Van der Linde gang. Things have gone awry during a robbery in the town of Blackwater, and now you and your colleagues are being chased by the authorities. If having to escape the long arm of the law through the heartland of America wasn´t enough of a problem, you will also have to decide if being true to your ideals or being loyal to your gang when the internal divisions start appearing between the members.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a true western. It's an amazing adventure with a rich story, incredibly detailed graphics, and a plethora of gameplay options, sidequests, and possibilities that will keep you hooped to the screen for hours. Every aspect of the world, from the weaponry, to the wildlife, the characters or the scenarios have been designed with utmost care to let you experience a true western, just like if you were part of a film but giving you plenty of freedom to decide where to go and what to do at any given time.

Not only Red Dead Redemption 2 offers you a thrilling single-player adventure, but the game also features a multiplayer mode, Red Dead Online, where you can explore the world as you please and take on new adventures. Along with plenty of activities and events for groups and single players, this mode offers you the possibility of taking on a variety of roles, allowing you to become a bounty hunter, a businessman with our own trading company, or even a collector that wanders the world searching for antiquities and lost treasures.

Red Dead Redemption 2 has been constantly updated since its release with new content for both single player and online modes. Players can expect new weapons, clothing items, missions, events, and more being added regularly.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an amazing experience that offers something for everyone - whether you're looking for a thrilling adventure or just want to relax by exploring its beautiful open-world environment. With its captivating story and engaging gameplay mechanics, it's no wonder why this game is so popular among gamers worldwide!

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  • Ultimate Edition Content:
    • Bonus Outfits & Free Survivor Camp Theme
    • Rank Bonuses
    • Black Chestnut Thoroughbred
    • Free Access to Additional Weapons

Also contain:

  • Special Edition Content:
    • Content for Story Mode including a Bank Robbery Mission & Gang Hideout
    • Dappled Black Thoroughbred
    • Talisman & Medallion Gameplay Bonuses
    • Gameplay Boosts
    • Cash Bonuses & Discounts
    • Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit
    • Free access to Additional Weapons
  • Special Edition Content:
    • Content for Story Mode including a Bank Robbery Mission & Gang Hideout
    • Dappled Black Thoroughbred
    • Talisman & Medallion Gameplay Bonuses
    • Gameplay Boosts
    • Cash Bonuses & Discounts
    • Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit
    • Free access to Additional Weapons
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(*) The best price is currently £3.42. We discovered this product available from 26 vendors supporting 7 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Sony PSN, Epic Games, Steam, Rockstar Social Club, Digital Download & Windows on 5 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 219 digital offers. and 12 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 231 comments already shared.

Comments on Red Dead Redemption 2

Feb 10, 2023, 03:21 on
Ce jeu est un chef d'œuvre, dès l'instant ou vous débarquez dans cet incroyable univers, vous êtes parti pour des centaines d'heures... on sent en jouant le temps de développement, tant tout à été peaufiné dans les moindres détails, bref, un univers et des personnages incroyables, un niveau de détail hallucinant... Foncez !!
This game is a masterpiece, from the moment you land in this incredible universe, you're in for hundreds of hours ... we feel while playing the development time, so much has been refined in every detail, in short, a universe and incredible characters, a level of detail hallucinating ... Go for it!
Aug 4, 2022, 11:19 on
Su RDR2 è stato già detto tutto e a distanza di 5 anni dall'uscita resta uno dei più bei giochi pubblicati per PC e console. Un vero gioiello, tecnicamente e artisticamente. C'è poco altro da aggiungere, un capolavoro assoluto.
Everything has already been said about RDR2, and 5 years after its release it remains one of the most beautiful games released for PC and consoles. A true gem, technically and artistically. There is little more to add, an absolute masterpiece.
Jan 9, 2020, 20:57 on
toujours pas de VF, vu le prix.... dommage. après pour ceux qui préfère VO, ok mais c'est dommage que l'on ai pas le choix, au prix des jeux êtres obligé de subir,c'est triste. Perso que pour cela je n’achèterai pas!! ils fond chi... avec leur anglais, le Français n'est pas encore une langue morte que je sache!
still no VF, considering the price.... pity. afterwards for those who prefer VO, ok but it's a pity that we don't have the choice, at the price of the games to be obliged to suffer, it's sad. Personally, I will not buy for that! they are melting down... with their English, the French is not yet a dead language that I know!
Nov 20, 2019, 13:09 on
Bonjour, Grand fan de Westworld,Godless,Deadwood et j'en passe. J'idolâtre Jesse James depuis tout petit. Grace Red Dead Redemption 2 je pourrai égaler et devenir Jesse James, je pourrai vivre d'attaques de banques, de trains et de diligence. Grace au jeu je pourrai devenir un Pinkerton avoir plein pouvoir face aux autres, devenir le juge et le bourreau face aux autres. Ps: je participe pour gagner le jeu. Attention je pourrai devenir Jesse pour vous braquez le jeu ^^. Des bisous plein d'amour.
Hello, Big fan of Westworld, Godless, Deadwood and so on. I idolize Jesse James since I was a kid. Thanks to Red Dead Redemption 2 I will be able to become Jesse James, I will be able to live from bank robbery, train robbery and stagecoach robbery. Thanks to the game I will be able to become a Pinkerton with full power in front of the others, become the judge and the executioner in front of the others. Ps: I participate to win the game. Attention I could become Jesse for you rob the game ^^. Kisses full of love.
Nov 20, 2019, 08:17 on
Me gustaría jugar este titulo porque soy mexicano, conozco la frontera y me encantaría más que nada sentir que puedo pertenecer a esa parte de la historia y recuperar un poco de dignidad para mi país, por lo menos visualizando y tomando decisiones donde el personaje traicione a todo el mundo y acabe con Estados Unidos mientras lo hace.
I would like to play this title because I am Mexican, I know the border and I would love more than anything to feel that I can belong to that part of history and recover a little dignity for my country, at least visualizing and making decisions where the character betrays everyone and ends up with the United States while doing so.
Nov 18, 2019, 02:17 on
Me gustaría poder tener este juegazo! He trabajado duro para poder mejorar mi PC y que mejor manera de ponerla a prueba con este gran titulo, saludos!
I wish I could have this great game! I have worked hard to improve my PC and what better way to test it with this great title, greetings!
Nov 17, 2019, 03:53 on
Buenas, quisiera tener este juegazo! mas que nada por que trabaje muy duro para poder comprar los componentes de mi pc e ir mejorandola con el tiempo, y que mejor manera de disfrutarlo que con este gran titulo, saludos y buena vida!
Good, I would like to have this great game! more than anything because I worked very hard to buy the components of my pc and go improving it over time, and what better way to enjoy it than with this great title, greetings and good life!
Nov 15, 2019, 19:59 on
J'ai toujours été pauvre à la manière d'un Kenny dans South Park. Une fois, pour Halloween je voulais me déguiser en Cow-Boy. Comme j'étais si pauvre et misérable, mes parents n'ont pu me permettre de réaliser ce rêve, j'ai dû, comme chaque année, me déguiser en Poubelman. Aujourd'hui, il ne me reste plus que cette lueur d'espoir pour devenir un Cow-boy virtuel ! Pensez au moi du passé qui est triste de n'avoir pu être un Cowboy, et permettez à un petit enfant de tirer dans la tête de truands!
I've always been poor in the manner of a Kenny in South Park. Once, for Halloween I wanted to dress up as a Cowboy. Because I was so poor and miserable, my parents could not allow me to fulfill this dream, so I had to dress up like a Poubelman every year. Today, all I have left is this glimmer of hope to become a virtual Cowboy! Think of the me from the past who is sad that I couldn't be a Cowboy, and allow a little kid to shoot hoodlums in the head!
Nov 15, 2019, 18:01 on
Une fois de plus vous tirez en plein coeur... Et là vous tapez fort vu le pull de jeux ! Bref, le jeu me sauce bien, même si je suis sûr à 80% que mon processeur le fera pas tourner à 50% de ses capacités, et j'ai bien envie de voir ce que donnera le RP dessus, sachant que je n'ai pas vraiment eu le temps d'expérimenter ça sur GTA !
Once again you shoot in the heart... And there you hit hard considering the pull of the game ! Anyway, I like the game, even if I'm 80% sure that my processor won't run it at 50% of its capacity, and I'm eager to see what the RP will do on it, knowing that I didn't really have time to experiment with it on GTA !
Nov 8, 2019, 10:15 on
Fan des jeux Rockstar sur PC j'ai toujours joué à leurs licences où je trouve que la narration est si exceptionnelle que l'on est plongé à 100% dans le jeu (y compris LA Noire en VR haha) et depuis que RDR2 est sorti sur consoles avec le succès qu'on lui connait (critique et commercial) j'ai tellement hâte de pouvoir le découvrir sur la plateforme PC !
As a fan of Rockstar games on PC I have always played their licenses where I find that the narration is so exceptional that you are 100% immersed in the game (including LA Noire in VR haha) and since RDR2 was released on consoles with the success it is known for (critical and commercial) I am so excited to be able to discover it on the PC platform!
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