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Buy State of Decay 2 at the Best Price

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Experience the next level of multiplayer zombie survival fantasy with State of Decay 2. The sequel to State of Decay, players will have to remember their wits, work together, and stare down the face of fear in order to survive. State of Decay 2 is a game about people instead of heroes. There is no grand savior with super abilities coming to eradicate the zombie threat. The community will have to band together, and trust in the strength of numbers. Each individual has their own backstory, as well as their own unique skills that will be a benefit to the entire community. For the first time in the State of Decay series, State of Decay 2 also offers players the option of multiplayer online, so that they can team up with up to three of their friends. Make sure you choose people you can trust, because when you’re left out in the wild, all you have is each other. This action survival game is set in an open world where your actions and interactions with people are remembered and cause changes throughout the universe of State of Decay 2. Play a game where what you do matters, and bring people together to survive against the zombie plague that has overtaken the world. Building on the past success of the franchise, State of Decay 2 offers players zombie-packed action, but also a deep and engaging storyline with characters that really come alive. This community won’t be able to survive without you!

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If you have a digital Xbox Play Anywhere title, you can play on both Windows 10 PC and Xbox One.

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(*) The best price is currently £4.68. We discovered this product available from 16 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Xbox Live, XBox Play Anywhere, Steam, Epic Games & Windows on 3 platforms - PC, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 57 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 132 comments already shared.

Comments on State of Decay 2

Dec 24, 2021, 06:03 on dlcompare.fr
C'est un jeu pas trop mal de gestion de camp avec ressources et personnage. L'environement à l'air sympas, chaque personnage à ces caractéristiques et qui offre une belle part de challenge suivant le mode jouer, je le recommande surtout à plusieurs.
It's a not too bad game of camp management with resources and character. The environment looks nice, each character has its own characteristics and offers a nice challenge depending on the mode you play, I recommend it especially to several players.
May 24, 2018, 18:54 on dlcompare.fr
bjr j adore les jeux de zombie comme dying light ou dead island trop de balles la tu va stressé grave j attend ce jeux j ai déjà fait le 1 alors le 2 devrait être encore mieux voila cdl
bjr i love zombie games like dying light or dead island too many bullets you will stress i'm waiting for this game i already did the 1 so the 2 should be even better here cdl
Alexandre Mazies
May 24, 2018, 18:34 on dlcompare.fr
Je suis un gros joueur de survival, j'ai adoré infestation malgré toute les misères qui ont pu être dîtes, et j'ai bien apprécié le pve de Fornite, mais avec une légère déception sur le temps des missions, le gameplay mise à part étant bien plus qu'appréciable. Gros amateur aussi de L4D, ce jeu me parrait être un mix de tout ca combiné dans un monde ouvert entre potes, et sincérement je ne sais pas si j'vais aattendre les résultats du concours avant me faire se plaisir !
I'm a big survival player, I loved infestation despite all the miseries that could be said, and I enjoyed Fornite's pve, but with a slight disappointment on the time of the missions, the gameplay aside being more than appreciable. I'm also a big fan of L4D, this game seems to be a mix of all that combined in an open world with friends, and I really don't know if I'm going to wait for the results of the contest before enjoying myself !
May 24, 2018, 16:19 on dlcompare.es
Me gustaria poder probarlo y jugarlo ya que el primero en su momento no pude por problemas de tiempo y poco a poco se quedo atras ya que habia otros juegos que iban saliendo y tenian mas prioridad, ahora que ha salido el 2 me gustaria probarlo y poder jugar para asi ya quitarlo de mi lista.
I would like to try it and play it since the first at the time I could not because of time problems and gradually fell behind because there were other games that were coming out and had more priority, now that the 2 has come out I would like to try it and play to remove it from my list.
May 24, 2018, 01:51 on dlcompare.es
Siempre me ha gustado todo lo relacionado con zombies. El primero lo pude probar, pero no me lo pude pasar... A ver si con esta entrega tengo más suerte y puedo disfrutarla.
I've always liked everything related to zombies. I was able to try the first one, but I couldn't get through it... Let's see if I have more luck with this release and I can enjoy it.
May 23, 2018, 23:44 on dlcompare.es
Me gustaria poder jugar y probar este juego, ya que el primero en su momento no lo probé y me quede con las ganas y con el tiempo ha sido un juego que se ha ido posponiendo viendo los nuevos que salián. Ahora con la salida del 2 espero poder jugarlo desde el principio y asi tachar uno de mi lista.
I would like to play and try this game, since the first one at the time I did not try it and I was left with the desire and over time it has been a game that has been postponed seeing the new ones that came out. Now with the release of 2 I hope to play it from the beginning and so cross one off my list.
May 23, 2018, 10:10 on dlcompare.fr
Bonjour, oui c'est bien moi Fantomas. J'ai décidé de participé à ce concours pour remporter State of Decay 2. Cela me permettra d’arrêter mes méfait . . . jusqu’à nouvelle ordre. Ah ah ah ah ah. Amicalement Fantomas.
Hello, yes it's me Fantomas. I decided to participate to this contest to win State of Decay 2. This will allow me to stop my misdeeds ... until further notice. Ah ah ah ah ah. Friendly Fantomas.
May 22, 2018, 19:51 on dlcompare.fr
J'ai testé avec le game pass : Sod 2 est un pur bonheur pour tous les fans de jeu de survie coopératif, gestion, craft, construction de base et aspects RPG. J'avais adoré le 1er mais là tout est mieux, plus beau, gestion plus poussée, carte(s) plus grande, plus de survivants, multijoueurs tant attendu, etc. Excellent en solo et encore plus prenant avec des amis. Bref je ne décroche plus, dejà une nuit blanche... Quelques bugs en bémol mais rien de grave. A acheter d'urgence !
I tested it with the game pass : Sod 2 is a pure happiness for all the fans of cooperative survival game, management, craft, basic construction and RPG aspects. I loved the 1st one but here everything is better, more beautiful, more advanced management, bigger map(s), more survivors, long awaited multiplayer, etc. Excellent in solo and even more addictive with friends. In short, I can't take my eyes off the game, I've already spent a whole night there... A few bugs but nothing serious. To buy urgently!
May 22, 2018, 12:59 on dlcompare.fr
Après avoir adoré le premier opus, le second à l'air d'être une excellente suite. J'ai la chance d'avoir eu des avis qui me laisse très curieux de découvrir la suite ! j'ai hate. Puis il faut dire qu'après une grosse journée de travail, rien de mieux qu'une horde de zombie à abattre ! A choisir sans hésiter, votre Femme vous dira merci !
After having loved the first opus, the second one seems to be a great sequel. I'm lucky to have had reviews that leave me very curious to discover the sequel! I can't wait. Then it must be said that after a big day of work, nothing better than a horde of zombies to kill! To choose without hesitation, your wife will thank you!
May 22, 2018, 00:33 on dlcompare.fr
- Pourquoi je veux y jouer ? J'attends cette version depuis le jour de la sortie de state of decay après avoir constaté que ce jeu méritait un mode multijoueur que j'ai espéré depuis quelques années. Je suis un adepte de jeux de survie depuis la génération Minecraft à sa création et également de DayZ Mod sur Arma II operation arrowhead. J'espère de tout coeur que mon commentaire vous aura suffit, vous ne risquerez pas de regretter et que vous serez convaincus. ;-) Cordialement, Jaymofficiel
- Why do I want to play it? I've been waiting for this version since the day state of decay was released after realizing that this game deserved a multiplayer mode that I've been hoping for a few years. I've been a fan of survival games since the Minecraft generation at its inception and also DayZ Mod on Arma II operation arrowhead. I hope with all my heart that my comment will be enough for you, you will not regret and that you will be convinced ;-) Sincerely, Jaymofficial
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : State of Decay 2
  • Categories : Action, Role-Playing, Simulation, Survival, Horror, Sandbox & Physics
  • Editor : Xbox Game Studios
  • Developer : Undead Labs
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
  • Release date : March 13, 2020
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 10 64-bit
    • CPU : Intel i5-2500 @2.7Ghz / AMD FX-6300
    • RAM : 8 GB RAM
    • GPU : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 2GB / AMD Radeon HD 7870
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Intel i5 4570 / AMD FX-8350
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 1650 4GB / Radeon R9 380
    • Storage : 30 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18
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