Buy Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War III at the Best Price

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    The third installment of the Dawn of War series will transport you to the far reaches of the war-ridden galaxy, where you will take command of one of the iconic armies of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. A mysterious and incredibly powerful weapon known as The Spear of Khaine has been discovered in the lost planet Acheron and Space Marines, Orks and Eldars converge there to fight and take control of the ancient artifact. Dawn of War 3 is a real-time strategy title where you will build up your army and try to achieve the objectives assigned on your mission, what usually translates into the complete obliteration of the opposing forces. You will build up your base and gather resources to summon all kind of characteristic troops of your respective army or to upgrade them and make them even more powerful. Then you will command them through a map to attack and try to achieve your goals. The game follows the pattern of the other Dawn of War titles, with each of the armies being able to summon up to three elite units that are incredibly powerful compared to the average troops of each army. Each army is commanded by a character that old players will recognize from previous Dawn of War games. Marines are represented by the Blood Ravens chapter, commanded by the legendary Gabriel Angelos. Eldar forces follow the guidance of Farseer Macha. And the ork horde is led by the infamous Warlord Gorgutz. Each of the respective armies features iconic troops and many brand new abilities and mechanics that promote different gameplay styles matching each of the races: Space Marines are resilient and have great firepower and tactical versatility, Eldar forces are specialized and mobile, and orcs are a lethal horde with huge numbers. Dawn of War 3 introduces also a new way of customizing your army to adapt it to the playstyle you prefer with the Doctrines. You will be able to choose up to three different Army Doctrines, that will modify some of your basic units in certain ways that can be game-changing: Webway Holo-field makes eldar webway gates project a stealth field around them, Scout Strike grants marine scouts increased damage when they fire from cover, and Slice ‘Em adds slow and damage over time effects to the Defkopta’s Buzzsaw Blitz ability. You can also assign doctrines to your elite units, one per unit to a maximum of three. Those are divided into two types: Command and Presence. Command Doctrines take effect when a certain elite unit is assigned to an army and Presence Doctrines take effect when the elite unit with the ability is in the battlefield. They grant passive bonuses or modify specific abilities to make your units more deadly. With improved graphics, a new storyline, lots of customization options, and many surprises Dawn of War 3 takes the best from its predecessors to merge tactical real-time strategy and Warhammer 40,000 lore into a perfect combination that will make the delights of both the fans of the tabletop miniature game universe and the RTS genre.

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    (*) The best price is currently £5.83. We discovered this product available from 7 vendors supporting Steam on PC. The game comes in 3 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 22 digital offers. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 40 comments already shared.

    Comments on Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War III

    May 13, 2017, 17:05 on
    Salut tout le monde, j'ai surjoué aux opus précédents et notamment Dark Crusade qui a été mon favoris. Je me suis donc mis à peindre ces petites figurines afin de reconstruire les scénarios de mes campagnes. J'aimerai voir à quel point ce jeu a évolué! Voilà le motif de ma participation, bonne chance a tout le monde
    Hi everyone, I overplayed the previous opus and especially Dark Crusade which was my favorite. So I started to paint these little miniatures in order to rebuild the scenarios of my campaigns. I would like to see how much this game has evolved! Here is the reason of my participation, good luck to everyone
    Apr 26, 2017, 19:19 on
    Salut à tous ! Grand fan de stratégie depuis gamin, j'ai traversé les époques avec les âges of empire, mais j'adore particulièrement la science fiction, après avoir fait Dark crusade, soulstrom, Dawn of War 2 (un peu décevant), j'ai qu'une hâte, pouvoir tester ce nouvelle opus !
    Hi everyone ! I've been a big fan of strategy since I was a kid, I've been through the ages with the ages of empire, but I particularly love science fiction, after having played Dark crusade, soulstrom, Dawn of War 2 (a bit disappointing), I can't wait to try this new opus !
    Apr 26, 2017, 18:10 on
    Waaagh! Bien de nouveaux champs de bataille pour l'imperium depuis le premier opus qui a vus naître les blood raven, personnellement mes black templar n'attende que de nouvelles cibles pour lancer une nouvelle croisade! Et ladeptus mechanicus est prête à se joindre à nous! Puisse l'empereur m'accorder la grâce du concours!!!
    Waaagh! Many new battlefields for the imperium since the first opus which saw the birth of the blood raven, personally my black templar is waiting for new targets to launch a new crusade! And ladeptus mechanicus is ready to join us! May the emperor grant me the grace of the contest!
    Apr 26, 2017, 17:12 on
    Moi, de mon côté, je voudrais enfin découvrir la série, faire un pas dans cet univers et quoi de mieux pour ça qu'avec un jeu offert ? Et peut-être tomber amoureux de la licence...
    I, on the other hand, would like to finally discover the series, to take a step into this universe and what better way than with a free game? And maybe fall in love with the license...
    Apr 26, 2017, 16:35 on
    Hééé keski s'pass la ! La clé DoW ell é pur moa !! WAAAGH !! Moa é mé copin on ve fèr la guèr ! On a plin d'missil maran a fout dan l'tète des gro rouge ! WAAAGH !! é pi pour les otte machin ki tir du lazèr on a plin d'tank !!! Gross bomb va fèr BOOM dan ciboulo HAHAHAHA ! WAAAAAAAGH !
    Hey keski s'pass la ! The key DoW ell é pure moa ! WAAAGH!! I'm a friend of mine who wants to be a warrior! We've got more than enough missil maran to go around in the head of the red gro! WAAAGH !! and for the little things that shoot the lazer we have no tank !!! Gross bomb is going to make BOOM in the target HAHAHAHA ! WAAAAAAAGH !
    valentin milliot
    Apr 26, 2017, 16:24 on
    Ce jeu a l'air génial j’espère gagner vu que je n'ai pas les moyens en ce moment de me l'acheter , étant un fan inconditionnelle de cette série l'attente a était longue pour moi . j’espère vous avoir convaincu je vous remercie de faire gagner ce jeu =)
    This game looks great, I hope to win since I can't afford to buy it right now, being a fan of this series the wait was long for me. I hope to have convinced you and I thank you for making this game win =)
    Apr 26, 2017, 03:15 on
    WAAARRRRHAMMEEEEEERRR ! Oui ce n’est pas l’infâme cri Ork, mais bien celui d’un joueur au service de l’empire ! Tremblez hérétiques, la lumière vous sera, (imposée), faite pour vous guider. J’attends ardemment ce jeu et y jouer pour (annihiler) stopper l’invasion Eldars à travers des (batailles) dialogues de paix et de (terreur) bienveillance. Mon pc est déjà allumé, chaud pour des heures d’affrontement ! Une Clé svp ou je vous (écraserai) excuserai de (cet affront) de ne pas m'avoir choisi.
    WAAARRRRHAMMEEEEEERRR! Yes, this is not the infamous Ork cry, but the one of a player in the service of the empire! Tremble heretics, the light will be, (imposed), made for you to guide you. I am looking forward to this game and playing it to (annihilate) stop the Eldar invasion through (battles) dialogues of peace and (terror) benevolence. My pc is already on, hot for hours of confrontation ! A Key please or I'll (crush) you for (this affront) of not choosing me.
    Apr 25, 2017, 23:52 on
    La raison principale et l'appel aux armes lancé par les Space Marine Blood Raven, les Orc et tout particulièrement le Warlord Gorgutz veulent s’emparer de notre "joujou" découvert quelques jours plutôt, pour de plus amples explications rendez-vous sur place et prenais vos ordres. Mon armure un peut rouiller et mon Warhammer sont pré à l'emploi pour aller casser de l'orc et quelques Eldars au passage, y a plus qu'a recevoir mon biller de DLcompare pour le trajet en navette.
    The main reason is the call to arms launched by the Space Marine Blood Raven, the Orc and especially the Warlord Gorgutz want to seize our "toy" discovered a few days ago, for more explanations go on site and take your orders. My armor a little rusty and my Warhammer are ready to go to break orc and some Eldar in the passage, there is more than to receive my biller of DLcompare for the trip in shuttle.
    Apr 25, 2017, 08:45 on
    Longtemps que je l'attends ! Fan de la franchise WH et WH40K, plateau et jeux vidéo (enfin surtout les RTS), je ne peux qu'être intéressé par cette dernière itération, ce nouveau "chapitre" :P Je me permets donc de déposer ma candidature à ce tirage au sort :)
    I've been waiting a long time for this! As a fan of the WH and WH40K franchise, both set and video games (especially RTS), I can only be interested in this latest iteration, this new "chapter" :P So I'll take the liberty of applying for this draw :)
    Apr 25, 2017, 07:42 on
    Il y a un moment que Dawn of war 2 est sorte et depuis pouf plus de Dawn of war mais, avec l'arrivé de DOW3 je suis excité comme une puce et impatient de poser mes mains sur cette épisode autant que je l'était pour DOW2.
    It's been a while since Dawn of war 2 came out and since poof no more Dawn of war but, with the arrival of DOW3 I'm excited as a flea and can't wait to lay my hands on this episode as much as I was for DOW2.
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