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Buy Battlefield Hardline: Criminal Activity at the Best Price

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    There’s been a recent uptick in reports in the local precincts – a rash of violent crime that is seemingly connected somehow.
    Small crews of well-trained, aggressive criminals have been using force of arms to terrorize the citizenry and are in direct conflict with the police in many cases. Public property damages and insurance claims have skyrocketed, not to mention the impact on the police force.
    Detectives have uncovered evidence of a secret crime ring that could be behind all of this activity. They’re not sure why anyone would coordinate these goals – in a number of cases, the take seems to be smaller than the risk. But, orders have come down the chain to find out what’s going on and put a stop to it. Will you help the police?

    The goods in Battlefield Hardline: Criminal Activity.
    Four fast-paced new maps – Backwoods, Code Blue, The Beat and Black Friday
    Two new rides
    Two new ammunition types for specific weapons
    A new gadget

    Experience all the action of the Battlefield series with Battlefield 5, a new installment that will make you live Second World War like never before, with great customization options and remarkable improvements regarding team mechanics among other novelties.

    Three new weapons
    A nailgun battlepickup
    New Bounty Hunter game mode
    Six new masks: two animal masks, and four new police headgear options


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    This game is a DLC and needs to be used with the complete version of the game : Battlefield Hardline

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    Comments on Battlefield Hardline: Criminal Activity

    bouraki lamine
    May 29, 2017, 23:37 on
    c un super DLC
    this is a great DLC

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